Cause I need a break from reality! :? think I needed another trip BEFORE??? UM yeah. Just moved into my place in April. The rrappy landlord hasnt fixed ANYTHING since moving in. I have some serious maintence issues. Well turns out this is his habit. The city informed me that they let the landlord know LAST NOVEMBER that this place was UNLAWFUL TO OCUPY and that I now have until Aug 30 to move! :shock: Or they could MOVE ME! THROW ME IN JAIL OR FINE ME! What does slumlord tell me? "so move, no big deal." ?!?!?!?! Un yeah so the brats are spossed to start school on the 2nd. I just cant freaking believe this. The conersation we had leads me to believe that he doesnt even plan on giving me my damage deposit back, tho I havent caused any damage to the place. Talked to a lawyer today he does tell me that I may end up getting all the rent I paid back and damages also. Anyways. I got this notice last Friday so that is where I have been. Looking, packing a little crying. Ya know the usual. That is where I will be for a few more days. I am accepting donations for a trip back to Cancun so maybe this time I can actually RELAX!
I need a trip too but not nearly as bad as YOU!!!! Here's to finding a decent place to live soon!!! :beergone:
Take care Angi! Wow, that's tuff!! I have been at school in meetings the past two days and getting everything ready. Today was our first day of student attendance. Of course it has gotten freakin' HOT again. Ou weather has been really nice, but now, not so much! Today was a good day, and my room is air conditioned, but I do a lot of visiting individual classrooms, for Title 1 math services, and not all the rooms are air conditioned. I really feel for the staff and kids in those rooms. Tomorrow's a full day. Well, we actually get out at 2pm until Labor Day, then it's regular dismissal at 3pm. My boys are busy with football, first game is Aug. 29th!!! We are ready for some football!!! Hope all gets worked out for you and your living situation.
Aww, Angi, that really is crappy. I hope you find a decent place and that your lawyer can rake the dastardly slumlord over the coals. It might be terribly traumatic right now, but you've got to believe that everything will be for the best in the end. My heart goes out to you...stay tough, hang in WILL get better!!! Hugs, Janice
Thanks for the support guys! I am at work today and boy has the last month been a whirlwind! I did find a decent place to live even by the time I was to be out of the last place! I was so happy as the closer it got the more it had looked like I was moving in with one of my parents~ :shock: That would NOT have been FUN with 4 kids! Neither have that much space or patience! We are getting all settled and the kids and I are more comfortable with the new place, heck how could we NOT? This place actually has a bedroom for mom that isnt flooded! :shock: I was burglurized at my previous apartment though and I think it was someone whom had knowledge that I was moving (very likely my old landlord!) cause they took advantage of the fact that I was in and out of my home all day. They stole my kids cell phones, my computer and some checks. So i currently dont have a home computer! I am at a LOSS! But I did order me a laptop today! G should be getting me my old desktop when he finishes fixing it. The kids are doing awesome in their new school (we only moved a mile but since we are in a city with three elem. schools we ended up having them have to switch to a new school) and adjusting well. My baby (5!) started dance class and my two middle kids will be starting karate soon. I know I posted a bit about the problems with my oldest daughter before we are finally working on a resolution, the judge ordered her a inpatient mental health assessment and though there were no surprises there (all the same diagnosis as before) the judge ordered her into a theraputic foster home, therapy and meds. So if she doesnt do the work on improveing her behavior she will be held responsible for her actions (or inaction). I am happy we are headed down this road and hopefully more recovery for our relationship. I would LOVE to be in Cancun right about now...but seems I have some catching up to do...lots of staff changing huh? Too bad. Love the staff.
Angi...Welcome back..It's nice to hear things are beginning to move foward for you.. I wish you the best of luck with everything. And hope we'll get a chance to meet at Temptation sometime...