I wouldn't worry too much about things like heat and falling down. I am pretty sure the locals have babies in that weather. Every animal on the planet except humans pretty much goes about its business as normal then they have the offspring, and go back to business as usual. It wasn't too long ago that humans were also plopping out into the mud. Party on. Hows that for a childless mans perspective?:aktion060:
JMG - Your comment made me instantly think of my favorite quote from Adam Sandler's movie, Billy Madison: Principal: Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. Billy Madison: Okay, a simple "wrong" would've done just fine. LOL! HA HA! Hopefully my friend will not be plopping any babies into any mud! Trust me, I am sure she will party like a rock star!
My point was that childbirth is natural and long before there was such a thing as a hospital humans managed just fine in almost any circumstance. It was more of a comment on how we coddle ourselves needlessly. But your point is well taken and I don't wish a mud baptism on the newborn.:icon_lol:
LOl! I totally got your point...trust me, cuz I've been telling her and the husband all along that as long as she doesn't go buck wild, she should be just fine. I just had to laugh because your description was so funny...almost scientific.! Good show! Now back to those of us who can drink and go buck wild! LOL!
I would just add as some others have that the floor is slippery around the pool (I know that's obvious cos it's wet lol) but we've seen loads of people hit the deck around there, especially by the toilets! Keep shoes on and jobs a good on - they will have a blast. Best part is having a sober person in your group to remind you of the good times lol x Lynfa x
I went to St. Maarten when I was 6 weeks preggo, and come to find out it was twins. It stunk because I couldn't drink-- just had a lil sip here and there, but again, a bad day on vacation is better than a good day at work! And I did want to sleep a lot, but so did my hungover friends!
I think she is right there........she should go and enjoy the trip. The heat may get to her and she will really need to drink lots of fluids ( non alcoholic of course). But I agree it may be a long time before she feels comfortable going on a holiday without the kid so GO! Hopefully she won't be in the mist of morning sickness. Besides the best time to show off the titties are when they are growing. LOL Just kidding.
Ha yes it is! An Argentine Pinot Noir, if I remember correctly! That pic was taken in December at a party. I sell wine and beer for a living! I always go to parties with all my leftover sample bottles never lack for invites!! I'm pretty sure the wine at the hotel will be so so, but I'll put away my wine-dorkiness for a week (I'm in a specialty position where I need to know a lot) and just drink up!
We just got back and a friend in our group is 2 months pregnant. She had a great time but she was exhausted most of the time and went to bed early, so had to miss most of the evening fun...it didnt help that she had HORRIBLE morning/night sickness, and the pills she had for it didnt help that much it seems. I will add that it was extremely hot and humid every day.