Well, only 30 minutes left of work and I am off to Indianapolis, then to the airport by 4:45am tomorrow for my flight to Vegas! Looking forward to seeing those of you that are going, and for those of you NOT going, you will have pics and stories when we return. That, and a few drunk dials while we are there!! Hold on tight folks........... its about to get ugly!! Wooooooooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo CC invades vegas, lets get it on! :beergone: :daveandmo: :lotsofmichaelf: :headbanger: :bigband: :cheerleaders: :demonica:
... OH MY GOD Look at those TATAS. The things I would do to them would probably land me in JAIL! Have a good time guys and be safe. I'll see y'all in cancun. LATER