ahh Kimmy, you and Bruce both know that you have become such great friends of mine and it sucks tremendously leaving you guys, Its once in a lifetime you meet such great people like you and bruce..you have become my version of ed and sue for chet, and yet now that we all spend time together, you are all becoming my ed and sue...and I hate being mushy, but I do miss all you guys a lot....I wish we could all start a Temptation community and move in, Me and Chet would open and close the bars, woody could be mayor and we would all live happily ever after lol..
HAHA Lisa if there is one thing this trip has taught me, its too leave my pride at home, seeing the pictures of me squeezing my out of shape man ass into your bikini was disturbing lol... and Im confident in chets abilities to handle that task in the future, I would only give that up for great friends, and chet has become one , so I pass the ball dangling awkward moment cupping the junk job to Chet for the 2012 Boobs Cruise haha.. though i will promise to watch intently... lol.. VEGAS VEGAS VEGAS VEGAS.. I have never been, so I think its time for my man boobs to touch down in the dessert lol
Chet did you edit this?? I am totally ok with making you feel huge..lol Nice to meet you too!!! see you next year and for the durration...we have discussed it and are gonna do the April Addicts dates next year! Cheers to new friends! MJ
When I woke up in the morning and reread it it seemed just a touch innapropriate since I barely just met you But thanks. Even while typing this Im laughing. You are a sweetie and Im looking forward to spending more time getting to know ya. Cheers to new friends!
Im honored...I think.But Im not sure the thought of you passing any dangling ball awkwardly while cupping your junk is at all appealing.Its kinda early so I may have read that wrong too If this Vegas reunion is gonna happen we need a coordinator. Any volenteers?
Chet, I have learned that none of the stuff that is done at TTR is stuff that would seem appealing at home!! HOWEVER...with the right amount of alcohol, and the right crew cheering you on...I'm goin on the Boobs Cruise for sure next year just to help you through the dangling ball awkwardly while cupping your junk moments...
Well lets hope next year we are all on the same booze cruise and Jim & Chet can each have micro thongs on from Maria and Lisa. Chet I know we didn't get a chance to talk that much, but you cheered up my day each morning, when i saw you chillin by the pool looking like you were in worse shape than us. Hope next year we can hang out more.