i had the best time today at this big ass pool party its called relax at the hard rock and goes all summer its going to be such a great summer oh wow today was just the start i need to bring my camm so i can take lots of pic to share with u all i have this vip pass good for all summer for me and 2 guest wow there where so many hot ladies dannced kissed drank my self dumb today great times now im so tired ready for bed so good night to u all much love im out peace
ahaha sounds like fun buddy! cant wait to down a few with you in cancun! wish it was summer here .... tim
noooooooooooo, you will eat the pizza and then fall asleep and the the fatty acids will go straight into ur stomach and then turn you into a fat boy. i am switching to subway where my future wife is working. i just love their spicy italian sandwiches on wheat bread mhh mhh
nope they dont have pizza subways at subway, but we have some delicious pizza subs at dominos though which is ironic