:shock: 9pm here in phoenix. just got a call from Jamie's parents that are in cancun as we speak. they were walking between coco Bongos and carlos and charlies..................... a monkey attacked her and bit her face!!!!! no kidding... she was walking and some guy had a monkey that jumped on her and shreded her bottom lip!! wont stop bleeding!! just had to call and arrange her a flight in the morning to come back 4 days early. can you believe that shit?/? Frank
oh I woulda wanted to kill the monkey!! How would you ever think something like that would happen wow
Wow, that's unbelievable. I have heard, seen and been part of a lot of Cancun stories but that one takes the cake. Sure hope she gets better soon.
Wow...guess I'll stay away from that guy that brings the monkey up the beach just behind the hotel sometimes. Hope she heals quickly. Bad, bad monkey.
Well I will take the picture with the monkey off of my list of things I wanted to do , that is too bad. :shock:
Just to clarify. She wasn't even taking a picture. She was walking by another couple that was and the monkey leaped from them on to her!! Thanks for all the good wishes. I will post later when I Find out more. They should be ready to board in the next hour. Frank
:shock: Bad news, bet that hurts!!! Is it that bad to call a trip off early and come home though??? On the funny side im sure there's a "spank the monkey" joke here somewhere to be had :lol: