Didn't do the flight yet because it's astronomical and I think it's going to go down BUT I've confirmed a 3 bedroom condo on Pok-Ta-Pok golf course right near the Holiday INNNNNNN for 3 weeks starting March 3rd! Anyone else want in? I'll give you a good deal if you're only coming down for a week. Second week in March I'm getting a room at the Oasis as well so I might not even be there! Nicky
... It's right near Green 16 but not on it. I heard Green 16 isn't really that nice. It's in a location called "Bay View" and is a 3 Bedroom.
That's Awesome man GRATS!!! If I make it down there I plan to do the Oasis again too, though I guess the most important thing is to just get down there. Even if I have to stay elsewhere. I'm going to talk to my Cousin as he wants to try and go with me next year. I just got him a job up where I work and he will be living with me so I've got a little extra cash and he should have the cash to do it too. It's all about planning it now. But as always I won't know for sure till Jan or so.
I have saw you called a few times lately, I am usually at the gym or graduate school when you do :lol: