You know it! maybe if someone wants to bring in the glow in the dark body paints stuff could get really interesting! :ladiesman1:
Yep... that's an absolute blast and we have done it the last two trips. Will be glowing again in late March.
Our time to return is coming up real quick and we can't wait! We are only going to be there from Feb. 28 and leaving Mar. 4. We will participate in all the theme nights with the exception of dove night probably. I think I am going to make that one sexy dress night, not that the other dresses that Dennis has for me aren't sexy. His white dress shirt on me looks like a night gown that goes past my knees and I don't want our last night there me looking like I am wearing my grandma jammies. Is everyone participating on this night? I don't want to stick out too much....
Update: Kimmie has volunteered to be the human canvas for any starving artist on body paint night!! Applications being accepted now!! This one is permanent and should be done by TTR time.
Hey guys favour to ask Sam is up for Miss Temptation 2012, we have a thread running any votes would be greatly appriciated and repaid in body shots:aetsch004: