If rain is an issue I am sure there are plenty of June Junkies with the Jacuzzi rooms. We have one as well and we can have our own mini sexy pool! LOL Lets get this started!!!! :aktion033:
Hey all you crazy JUNE JUNKIES!!! We have many newbies this year and I wanted to extend a helpful hint regarding sexy high heels at Paty-O's. The floor at' Paty-O's is not smooth. There is dips and crevices that will catch you off guard, and very easy to twist an ankle. I do my best to stay in my heels through dinner and make it partially through the Paty-O's party before the 6 inchers become too difficulty to move around in. Ladies, you might want to pack a cute pair of flats, or lower heels to have to change put on later at Paty-O's to save your ankles (especially if you like to dance). I have figured out the wedges do not pose the same problem as the heel is wider. JUST A HELPFUL TIP :wink3: Dawn
This is so true! I love the look of the high heels, but my feet hate them! Mostly I bring lots of dressy flip flop shoes and wedges because I love to dance and not have to worry about my aching feet! Ruth