I am pretty sure Lisa brings everyone she owns, which is a lot and I have the excess baggage charges to prove it,lol. On the other hand I am a one or two swim trunk kinda guy..
I'll probably just bring 1 a day. I'm a late riser so there's no need for a mid-day switch for me. Plus, my top will be off most of the time, anyway. Tabi
I am probably going to bring 1 a day because I like to keep things changed up. In the past I have brought a few extras in case I get brave or something crazy. I am also a late riser so I don't switch during the day either. I am like you in that the majority of mine are similar styles so there are not a extra lines... ~Jill~
Last year we did it after a lingerie night. It's on the schedule for lingerie night again on the 28th of June...for the second half group. Also, I think we drew numbers or you could have people roll dice or go by combined ages. For instance, you could say the youngest couple with a combined age or oldest couple with combined age or something creative. It depends on how long you want to drag it out. I will probably suggest that we do a "steal" like we did last year. That made it fun. This is where you can steal an already opened gift or open a new one, then the next couple can do the same. The first couple gets to steal last and you could set a limit on the number of times a gift is stolen. We usually do 3 steals and then the 3rd 'thief' is the owner. Depending on the number of couples, you could make it shorter or longer. Have fun! It was a lot of fun for us last year and we also had a $20 limit, but that is soo hard to get something quality so I would like to propose $20-30. ~Jill~
Ok...forgive me for my ignorance but I just dont understand the purpose of changing your suit halfway through the day. Is it just so you can show off more then one? Im confused. (which doesnt take much lol). I never even would have thought to bring a different one for every day (& never have in the past but I guess I am this year lol) Im a stickler for not wearing the same outfit/dress the same place twice but didnt know that applied to swimwear as well. Lol. I just usually washed them out in the sink. Im just curious, not trying to :deadhorse:here. Lol Jess
Thats exactly how they described how they did it on the other thread (cant remember if it was April Addicts or May Mayhem). Sounds like fun to me & the "stealing" part makes it more of a game. I think the 20-30.00 price range sounds good too. Jess
At this point, Matt is ahead of me in purchases but that will quickly change once I start clicking on "check out now". His king pimp costume arrived on Saturday...our daughter thinks it's "soooooooo cool, but the pants don't go with it, Dad".
I'm bringing about 20 different swimtrunks and speedo's so I can change into a dry pair everytime I get them wet. This helps keep my raisin's from shriveling up......:wink3: