OK, we are now officially booked for our June trip! June 12 - 22 at Temptation and then a 5 day day "cool down" at a boutique in Playa del Carmen! Now we just just have to get through this damn season called WINTER!
Very nice!! 8 months seems a long way off!! However, it gives the June Junkies plenty of time to plan a GREAT party!! We can’t wait to see y’all !! Oh yeah, we get to see you two in March XOXOXOX Dawn
Pray for tersea please..we are or have been planning for june but things don' look good with her health and will know more soon but we love all our cancun friends if we was to never meet again all u guys rock and we lI've u all
Booked June 3rd through the 10th for our first trip ever at TTR. Looking forward to a GREAT time. Hope some veterans will show us the ropes.