Each year Dawn(sparkie7) has shirts designed for us to order. She will be posting the information next week I believe. She posted a picture on FB of what they look like. Super cute!!! Some of the profits will go to Chinos cause for cancer. I'm sure she will post the link to order here on CCC.
Some of us have accumulated shirts over the past few years and there will be new shirts available this year. Dawn will post a link here when they are available. You can also get June Junkie attire at Malibu strings.
Don't come without the shirt!!! All proceeds go to Aitana North American Children's Association, #ChinosCauseForCancerDreams June Junkies 31164134_1054345534705977_7786517968897427571_n by $parkie7 posted Apr 24, 2018 at 8:17 PM
Do you know if there is a character limit for the custom name or would they just make the font smaller and smaller until it fits? Was looking at putting Party Pooper on a shirt.
Hi everyone, $parkie7 has been kind enough to allow us to have door hangers created for those who will be there in June. Below are the front and back proofs of them and you will notice the donation link at the bottom. We are not asking for reimbursement for them; rather we would appreciate a donation to the cause and put June Junkies in the notes. Try to send the money Friends and Family to dawn@aitana-naca.com so there aren't any fees. We have ordered 750 of them and will give them out when we get there on the 6th. If any are left over, we will pass them on to poeple staying longer than we are. If you'd like to reserve one, please let us know below.