Lucinda and I 'googled' ideas for a "Studio 54" themed night and mostly found pics of celebs that were definitely overdressed! What I saw in the movie "54" was more like the Roller Disco Days. Lots of metallic, shimmering, and bright colored booty shorts, mini skirts. Halter tops, tanks, mesh blouses.... although they didn't wear pasties. It was very sexy and very Temptation-like IMO. In October 2017 we had some nights that were stifling hot at BASH! With no fans it was as hot, if not hotter than Paty'O. My whole idea basically comes down to "light, sexy, bright, and colorful"! Here are a few pics on what was in my head when I posted the idea:
Joe & Lucinda did a Mardi Gras theme back in October. How did that go? Would love to look at doing this as a possible theme. Love me some beads! Mel
It went very well! That was a lingerie Night and we just happened to have a Room Crawl that night also. Lots of purple, green, and gold! Beads were being handed out to all takers! Combined, our group must've brought about 30 dozen beaded necklaces! We handed them out to the Playmakers, the waitstaff, and the bartenders too! You can view pics in our "Room Crawl" photo album here on CCC. Is it June yet???
Just wanted to post on here to some of the June junkies that I don' have on our Facebook page that don't know but teresa which has been battling cancer has been placed in a hospice care center to keep her comfortable til she passes. We had such fun times at TTR and up until this hit us 4 months ago was planning to be there in june to checkout the new TTR. Hope everyone enjoys the June trip and we loved every one we ever met there and thanks for accepting us and partying with us.
I am so sorry to hear this. My prayers will continue through this journey for the both of you and your family. Hospice is my calling and it is a wonderful service during this time of need for your whole family. Love extended from Texas and the entire June Junkie Temptation Community. XOX Dawn
We’ve never met but are so sorry to be reading this. Some of the best people we’ve ever met have been at TTR & I’m sure everyone in the community has you both in their thoughts. Look after each other for the time you have left