Glad to hear you can wear what you want and still fit in :wink3: I'm not much of a costume person because the never seem to fit right :icon_sad: Short legs, big butt...need I go on :ranting1:
Tiff, wearing the costumes is more about bonding with the rest of the folks that are there, not looking amazing in a costume. Witness my goofy glow wig from September that will be making a reappearance in April. costumes are just a way of making the night even more fun due to mutual silliness. But certainly, no one is going to give you a bad time if you don't want to do the themes. Maybe just go with the easier themes, like white night, red night, orange night. Or wear scrubs and a bikini top with a stethescope on Rescuers Night if you want to draw attention away from your legs and up to your best assets. On White Shirt Night, wear a skirt under your white shirt if that makes you feel more comfortable. costume night doesn't mean running around nearly naked, although that often ends up being the case. More trips = less clothing, it seems. Few people do ALL the themes. We all want to wear a sexy dress on at least a couple of the nights. So pick a couple of the themes you are comfortable with and go with those.
Lol I plan to do some themes, probably cowboy night, maybe naughty nurse, lingerie, white and red and orange night but I have some dresses that I would ratherr wear on some nights. As for a big butt, so what you will fit in, TTR is totally accepting.
Thanks ladies, I'm usually not a self conscious person and I know I'll have fun regardless. I actually love my body the good lord gave me and my hubby always makes me feel amazing. I'm certain I'll find the courage to participate Can't wait to make this official first trip and make new life long friends. Come on April!
The first year we were there we didn't have any costumes and felt out of place . Its a great place to be out of the box and have fun and not be judged (too harshly,lol)
Tiff take it from us. You are a great looking woman whether or not u lose ur glasses(inside joke). Both of you guys are awesome and we can't wait to party with you. All I know I will have drink waiting for you when you get there. If we remember correctly you were practically in your birthday suit so just wear that lol. :xyxthumbs:
If it's any consolation, I felt exactly the same on my first trip, being on the more "mature" side, I thought there was no way I would be wearing costumes. I took some "covered everything up" lingerie - just in case - drank plenty of tequila that night - and had the best night ever! The rest, they say, is history, now costume shopping is a big part of my holiday! Sexy, silly, sophisticated, whatever I'm feeling that day. Like the girls say, even a nod to the night's theme makes you feel part of the party from the outset. Go for it - you won't regret it! :daisy:
Just found Blanco's outfit for Orange night....... Funny Wicked Costumes Crazy SKINZ Suit Fancy Dress Lycra Body Sock Suit - Orange | eBay :daisy:
The first time we went we didn't participate in much. Leslie was VERY self conscious. She gets braver and braver every year. Not sure what that means for this year. Either way, it doesn't matter - there is no judgement by anyone. Just do your own thing.
Just found Blanco's outfit for Orange night....... Funny Wicked Costumes Crazy SKINZ Suit Fancy Dress Lycra Body Sock Suit - Orange | eBay No way Jose! :aktion052: