My red dress for red night arrived last night, and looks great I must say! But I was just noticing from Donald's post above that Sat is "Dazzling Temptation Show & Pool Party". Wouldn't people want to wear bathing suits to a pool party, vs red dresses?? I will be wearing the dress down there one night, be it sat or another, cause it looks too good not too!! ;-)
I agree with you Donald, Sunday seems more suited to a fetish night...but I'm just a newbie, what do I know lol.
Awesome, now just waiting for conformation for the boob cruises.... Oh how my liver is awaiting those.....
Anything Goes Night is not about what you wear, but instead about the contests that go on in Nice Shoes, one of which requires removing clothing quickly and racing up to the stage with various types of clothing and personal objects to help your team win the contest. I didn't see anyone in September with any special costumes on for Anything Goes Night.
Saturday night it is then, brand new RED Fetish Outfit in the post as we speak....... I love my life..... :daisy: