I have never been so ready and not ready at the same time!!! Soooo ready mentally to be out of here, but not ready when it comes to preparation. Tried to tell myself I already had most of what I needed only to discover I don't...eeekkk! But at least now I have the excitement of arriving packages! Just counting on what's been said here is true...the HnH group could care less if the costume is up to par or the dress fits right as long as we arrive ready to party and have fun with an awesome group of people. Can't wait to meet new friends and re-connect with old ones!
Just got my last package in the mail today but use Ziplocs they do help to keep things organized and make a list that helps so hopefully you don't forget anything but I'm sure somebody might have something if you need it when you're there it's like one big family look forward to meeting you guys
Funny, I thought my wife had written this! She says this everyday! Haha! Right, Michelle? Except, for the reconnecting as we are newbies. C ya’ll soon (.) (.)
Absolutely!!! It is Oct 28 from 5pm to 7pm, on the roof of the Premier Office building. Bring a bottle of your favorite wine and join us!
The second time we were there, we were at the night club (Patio's at that time) and having a very nice conversation with a very pretty girl who was 25 at the most. After a while, she innocently asked, "Why do you all have on so many clothes?" That was the last trip that anyone could have asked us that question!"