Yes! We use ALphaRooms almost every time. They've always worked for us and been the best deal. The only odd thing is when entering your trip dates you have to adjust it by a day. Can't remember which way but you'll notice it when making the reservation. For some reason their system considers it to be a different day or time zone, although since they are based in the U.K. it should be the same. The other thing is, you may want to alert your credit card company about an upcoming charge to the U.K. Mine often flags it as potential fraud since I rarely have charges to the U.K. It's a good safety measure I'm glad they catch. Anyway, no problems with Alpharooms.
This is the very first list I have of people that are coming! It will get much longer (Octoberbreast is usually about 100-120 CCC people) I have only included people that have posted their dates here, I haven't included the facebook people yet. Please PM me if you need to be added or if I have your info wrong. XOXO Nikki OctoberBFeb9 by Nikki&Ira posted Feb 9, 2017 at 8:13 AM
Is there an Octoberbreast Facebook group or just the Temptation Cancun Community? Thanks, we are excited!
The list is already looking good there but many more names to be added yet. This year is going to be one hell of a party! Jnine already down for a Winter Olympic sport also! (Maria)
We will be there 10/7-11. Its Angie's Birthday weekend the big 40. Cant wait to get the party started, lets make this a Birthday she will never forget. Joe & Angie