Just finalized our Fall Break trip. October 10th through the 17th at TTR followed by 5 nights of R&R in a condo just off 5th Avenue in Playa del Carmen! Going to be a great combination of activities!
Yes we have been to TTR in October for the last 5 Years. Weather can be cool at night but warm in the days, the crowd is good not as roudy as when we go in May but still a great crew. The more you participate the more fun you will have!! :daveandmo: We also know about 2 other couples coming back in Oct as well as our adopded daughter from Ireland with her sister. So I will let you know dates when we hear from them.
Trip #4!! Aiming for Oct 27-Nov 3! If there's any single ladies that want to split a room and avoid the single's surcharge then let me know. I'm a nice guy, just ask around!