I guess I'm ok with dating myself, but hoping they might have an 80s music dance party - would be so much fun! I'm not super pro on new pop music, too much hip-hop.
Last time we were in Cancun we were at Frogs and the crowd was older like us (we're mid 40s). The dance floor was dead for like 45 min while the DJ played current stuff. We requested Love Shack and the floor filled to capacity! :biggrinbandit:
17 - Monday - School Girl Night (NON-Standard Theme Night dress up) That sounds like lots of fun! What's the expected participation rate? HK
Yeah, I really do not like the current dance music at all - especially anything rap or hip-hop. Would much prefer 80s new wave, even late 80s/early 90s dance - but I don't even know how to dance to the new stuff without looking like an idiot (I'm not trying to fit in with my kids!!). The really scary thought is that the 80s stuff I like is more "classic" or "retro" than the "oldies" late 50s/early 60s stuff was when I was in high school - hahahaha We are mid-40s too and I think the music was the absolute best when I was in high school from 81-85!!
Maybe Darcy and I can hit one of the clubs with you guys while we are there, and we can look like idiots together. Although, I confess, I don't dance as much as Darcy, I end up just watching her dance most of the time.
Paul, my husband would say the same thing so it looks like we would have a lot of fun together - I'm totally pro on hanging out! We'll be there Saturday late afternoon and cannot wait!!
We'll be there a bit later on Sat - Hoping for like 8pm... If we have the endurance want to check in, eat, and go out to Dady'O. with the staff. See you soon!
Our flight is at 6am out of Seattle, meaning we have to be up at 3am Saturday morning to make the flight! We arrive in Cancun at 3:20pm and if Michael can take a nap we might be fine to go out Saturday night - we'll see how we feel If I can get a RockStar drink, I'll be fine, Michael not so much! He may sleep on the plane (crosses fingers!) - we connect in Houston so it will be a long first leg (hopefully long enough to sleep!).