I'm not sure which "Donkey" you enjoyed...but Victor at the quiet pool was serving up some awesome Donkey-Sperm shots (of course that was before the Mexican Blowjobs...because they they were my favorites, followed by the Mexican Orgasm)
OMG!! One week from now I'll be letting loose at Patio's. I just have to make it through one week of Hell (work). Why is the worst week of work always before vacation??
Hottubmolly brought an inflatable donkey along last year to the Halloween party, it had a hole in it's ass for a shooter glass....everybody had to do raunchy tequila shots from the donkey....got nasty..lol. It spent pretty much the entire week making the rounds around the lounge and I'm pretty sure they left it behind for future parties. Although, I doubt it has survived an entire year....... Because .......if I have to, you have to....lol
One week and we are ready to get crazy. this is to everyone, if we do anything to embarrass or upset anyone we apologize in advance but you are welcome to join in with us.
I can not wait to check this place out for the first time. My wife and I will be there Oct 26 - 30. Hope to meet everyone that I have seen on here.Not real good at the computer stuff to put pictures and such on, but we hope to have a good time with everyone.Mac n Mouse
Well, unless it has gone downhill severly in the last 12 months I would say you have nothing to be concerned about.....have fun :bandit::icon_biggrin:
thanks you guys. i have been tracking my flight for the last few days and it looks good as far as being on time. been packing today,see u very soon...:aktion030:charlene
12 more hours before we get on the airplane bound for TTR. Very excited and hope to meet friends from cancuncare.