:uk1:...Hey Laura...fellow "scorpion"....my birthday 27th Oct....Parties all round I reckon!!!.. artytime: :elizabeth: artytime: Karenxx
Hi Karen! Woo hoo! Party time! We will have to celebrate together! It will be a blast! Smooches! Laura
Sorry was hoping for a Boobs Cruise on Sunday Oct 2 not Oct 1 as previously posted must have looked at the calendar wrong - there would be at least 5 of us.
Hi Guys! We'd love to go but we will be arriving on that day. If there's one during that week please let us know! Hope to see you all soon!
Hi Guys, we're there from 22nd oct - 5th Nov and would love to organize a uniform night!:anon: who's up 4 it??? should be a very sexy night:cheerleaders: any night is good for us! i'll even buy the drinks:daveandmo::flash::flash::flash::uk1as long as we stay in resort) have it:aktion060: these are the best icons ever:lotsofmichaelfs:
Hi guys! Looking forward to meeting you! We are up for a costume night! Just let us know the theme and the night! Cheers! Laura and Will
We would definately be interested in the cruise. Hopefully we can get enough. I'm sure this will involve whipped cream :icon_surprised: Paul & Lisa