All who are going in October, please use this thread for general conversation about your trip. But dont forget to add your dates on the official roll call that you can find here:
Wondering if TTR throws a Halloween party ?And since Halloween is on Friday the 31,would it be a party on the friday night booze cruise that you book thru Sergio,or in Nice Shoes?
We'll tell you when we get back.. *L*.. we'll be there from Oct 25 - Nov 1 with the Hooligans and on our honeymoon.
After the last 2 years of seeing each other at BBG, we won't be there for you wedding/anniversary. That sucks. But we'll have a drink ahead for you.
I don't think that I have ever been more excited about a vacation. Is it time yet???????????????????????????????????????
Same here,we have been there like 8 times and the anticipation of getting there is as strong as ever.hope to meet all the posters from oct and nov when we get there!BTW say hi to the "girls for us!!! )