Oct. 5 Article on Beach Renovation

Discussion in 'Living in Cancun' started by Jim in Cancun, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    Artificial reefs have been suggested and rejected as well as breakwaters that extend out into the ocean
  2. Jeff and Bob in Haverhill

    Jeff and Bob in Haverhill Enthusiast Registered Member

    Nov 5, 2007
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    I've read a little about geotubes as well RG. It seems their chance of long term sucess is 50-50. In some locations they work, but in some they cause more erosion (and certainly are ugly when exposed). Coming from a non-expert is this field, it just makes sence that if the currents/tides are washing away the beach then the most reasonable solution is to alter the currents somewhat. An artificial reef off shore (I think) would diminish the impact of the currents. I'm sure it would reduce the wave action, but not to the point of eliminating them as at the top of the hotel zone. And certainly a maintenance program is a must.
    Just my 2 cents worth.....

    See you in February @ the Royal Sands - CAN'T WAIT!!!

    P.S. - any idea what the beach looks like there? I've heard that the ocean was breaking right on the steps to the beach in one section about 6 weeks ago.
  3. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    From today's Enfoque Radio:

    Official Project for Beach Recovery to be Presented
    Written by: Hector Bello - 10/12/2008

    Cancún.- The Federal Secretary of Tourism, Rodolfo Elizondo, and the State Secretary of Tourism, Carlos Joaquín González, will present the beach recovery program. And concerning the protection of the environment, Mauricio Limón of SEMARNART, said the they will have to present a new Environmental Impact Statement.

    The beach recovery program for Cancun and other tourist destinations in Quintana Roo will be presented next week by the National Secretaries of the Secretariat of the Environment and natural Resources (SEMARNAT), Rafael Elvira Quezada and of Tourism, Rodolfo Elizondo, the head of the State Secretariat of Tourism (SEDETUR), Carlos Joaquín González announced.

    .............“...we hope to be ready to start the first few days of January."
    Escrito por: Hector Bello - 10/12/2008
    Categoría: Benito Juárez | Nota del Día
    Visto: 10 veces

    Cancún.- Presentarán los secretarios de Turismo federal, Rodolfo Elizondo y del Estado, Carlos Joaquín González, el proyecto para la recuperación de playas. En tanto para la protección al ambiente de SEMARNAT, Mauricio Limón, dijo que deberán presentar una nueva Manifestación de Impacto Ambiental.
    El programa de recuperación de playas para Cancún y demás destinos turísticos de Quintana Roo será presentado la siguiente semana por los secretarios nacionales de la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT), Rafael Elvira Quezada y de Turismo, Rodolfo Elizondo, anunció el titular de la Secretaría de Turismo del Estado (SEDETUR), Carlos Joaquín González.

    En la entrega de reconocimiento a la pasajera número 12 millones en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Cancún, el secretario estatal de Turismo dijo que la reunión servirá para despejar dudas en cuanto a la administración de las agendas para los trabajos de recuperación de arenales.

    “Vienen los secretarios federales. Viene el secretario de la SEMARNAT, el secretario de Turismo Federal. -¿Qué es lo que se espera en esta reunión? –Bueno la presentación ya del proceso técnico, cuándo iniciará, en fin todos los datos que todos estamos preguntándonos”.

    En el caso de los esfuerzos individuales que realizan hoteleros para mantener playas frente a sus hoteles, como el caso del empresario Fernando García Zalvidea, indicó que el programa de recuperación es el lo general y así se deberán ajustar para los 12 kilómetros de costa que se requieren, tanto en Cancún como en Playa del Carmen.

    “No, yo creo que el programa de recuperación será en general, será completa para todos los 12 kilómetros que se requieren en Cancún, como los 12 kilómetros que se requieren en Playa del Carmen, y también para los tramos que se requieren en Cozumel. Entonces tendrá que ser de manera general”.

    Respecto a la presentación del programa de recuperación de playas, por otra parte, el titular de la Secretaría de Infraestructura y Transporte (SINTRA), Gabriel Mendicutti refirió lo siguiente:

    “Se espera que ya esté concluido el proyecto por parte de la Comisión Federal de Electricidad, que nos lo den a conocer porque en esta etapa nosotros no estamos trabajando, entonces que nos lo den a conocer para revisar, para dar nuestra opinión y esperemos estén listos para arrancar los primeros días de enero”.
  4. chaz517

    chaz517 Addict Registered Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    i hope somebody coems forward to fund this project and get it started by early january, thatd be grear
  5. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    The Federal, State and Local governments announced yesterday that they will invest $800 million pesos (around $600 million dollars) for beach recovery in Cancun, Playa del Carmen and Cozumel. Bidding for the work will start in January 2009.
  6. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    Sorry--that should be about $60 million dollars--not $600 million.
  7. chaz517

    chaz517 Addict Registered Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    well thats a step in the right direction. cant wait to see the finished result. what does bidding for the work mean?
  8. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    Bidding means that once they have the approved environmental impact statement and the technical part of what they want to do completely defined and specific, they put out the project for bidding to that interested companies can "bid" on the project and give pricing on what they would charge to do the project.
  9. chaz517

    chaz517 Addict Registered Member

    Nov 12, 2007
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    ohhh like construction companies do here in the states. duhh. thanks jim. i hope this works out this time around
  10. Jim in Cancun

    Jim in Cancun Guest

    +0 / 0
    Actually, it worked last time--up to a point. They did not take the 2 suggestions/recommendations of the company (Jan de Nul) that did the beach rebuild. The 2 recommendations:
    1.- build breakwaters in several places in the "half-moon" area between the 2 points to eliminate negative wave effects and
    2.- yearly maintenance to replace what nature washes away (about $200,000 usd per year).
    Building (en Dubai) and rebuilding beaches is their job. They know what of they speak but nooooooooooooo. Why spend $200,000 a year when you can spend $30,000,000 every 3 years?
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