(Original below--translation is mine--excuse any typos and personal comments!)) Beach Recovery in 2009 Saturday, October 04, 2008 - Redacción Quequi Quintana Roo After a Saturday meeting with the Federal Tourism Secretary, Rodolfo Elizondo Torres and representatives of the hotelieres of Quintana Roo, The Governor of the State, Félix González Canto, announced that it is practically a done deal (translator's note: WARNING! WARNING! WARNING, WILL ROBINSON!) that at the beginning of 2009 they will begin to start work on the beach recovery for the 3 Quintana Roo destinations of Cancun, Riviera Maya and Cozumel. “It is good news for all of the people of Quintana Roo since beach recovery is something that all of us were waiting for and something that will result in offering better destinations to attract more tourists," said the Governor. González Canto made it known that in the meeting with Elizondo Torres they substantially advanced with this important topic, principally in the part about the financing of the project, whose investment is estimated at around "250 million pesos. (Translator's note: That is about what it cost to do the Cancun beaches alone.) “Together with the secretary of Tourism and the hotel representatives of those 3 tourist destinations, we analyzed the best joint strategy to provide the financial support that the project requires. (I just translate it to English--not sure what that means though!)”, he pointed out. Three-Part Investment He added that the progress is substantial and that they were in agreement that is it practically a done deal that the work COULD begin in the beginning of 2009. He indicated that, as ocurred after Hurricane “Wilma” in 2005, the technical studies to back up the beach recovery work, will be under the supervision of the Comisión Federal de Electricidad(CFE) (federal light company). He commented that it was a very productive meeting and it showed the concern of the three parts that the problem be resolved as soon as possible. González Canto reiterated the importance of carrying out the work of beach recovery not only in Cancun but also in the Riviera Maya and Cozumel, since the beaches will give back to these three tourist destinations the plus that will maintain them among the best in the area and in the world. He said that shortly they will give more details of the initial agreements reached this Saturday and that the meetings will continue in order to give follow up. ------------------------------------------- Recuperación de playas, en el 2009 Saturday, October 04, 2008 - Redacción Quequi Quintana Roo Redacción Quequi Quintana Roo Tras sostener una reunión este sábado con el secretario federal de Turismo, Rodolfo Elizondo Torres, y con representantes de la hotelería de Quintana Roo, el gobernador del Estado, Félix González Canto, anunció que es prácticamente un hecho que a principios de 2009 se comiencen a realizar los trabajos para la recuperación de las playas en los tres destinos principales de la entidad: Cancún, Riviera Maya y Cozumel. “Es una buena noticia para todos los quintanarroenses, pues la recuperación de playas es algo que estábamos esperando todos y que redundará en ofrecer mejores destinos para atraer más turismo”, manifestó el gobernador. González Canto dio a conocer que en la reunión con Elizondo Torres se avanzó de manera sustancial en este importante tema, principalmente en lo que se refiere a la forma en que se financiará el proyecto, cuya inversión se estima en aproximadamente 250 millones de pesos. “Junto con el secretario de Turismo y los representantes hoteleros de esos tres destinos turísticos analizamos la estrategia conjunta más conveniente para darle el soporte financiero que requerirá el proyecto”, subrayó. Inversión tripartita Agregó que los avances son sustanciales, por lo que coincidieron en que es prácticamente un hecho que los trabajos puedan iniciarse a principios de 2009. Indicó que, como ocurrió después del huracán “Wilma” en 2005, los estudios técnicos para sustentar los trabajos de recuperación de las playas, estará a cargo de la Comisión Federal de Electricidad. Comentó que fue una reunión muy productiva y que mostró el interés de las tres partes en que el problema se solucione lo antes posible. González Canto reiteró la importancia de llevar al cabo esa obra de recuperación tanto en Cancún como en la Riviera Maya y Cozumel, pues las playas le devolverán a esos tres destinos turísticos ese plus que los mantiene entre los mejores de la región y del mundo. Dijo que en breve se darán mayores detalles de los acuerdos iniciales alcanzados este sábado y que las reuniones continuarán para darles seguimiento.
While I realize it's too early to tell......but, if they do end up doing this project I wonder if they are going to at least attempt to do it correctly this time? Or just pump a bunch of sand ashore again and every few years indefinitely?
The Federal government (in another article) stated that it was willing to put up about $25 million dollars FOR MAINTENANCE AFTER THE REBUILDING! Since the last time they put up $25 million and then no one maintained the beaches. What is needed to do all of the beach rebuilding for the 3 places is about $75 million dollars. Everyone wants it but no one wants to pay for it.
What kind of maintenance can you do to preserve a beach? I don't understand why they think that beach preservation can work. My understanding of the physics of this is that part of the reason that the beaches keep eroding is precisely because there are so many big unmoving concrete structures built on them. The hotel zone was a sand bar, and sand bars naturally move inland over time. From what I understand the hotels prevent the sand from its natural shifting and actually promote erosion.
The beaches were fine until Hurricane Gilbert in 1988. Then they recovered naturally--mostly. There were other near misses and storms from time to time that did damage and other man-made things like the things you mention and global warming contributed to the fact that by the time Wilma hit more than 3 years ago, the beaches were in bad shape. Then Wilma took away the little that was left. Things like this happen and will continue to happen on a recurring basis particularly to beaches in hurricane prone areas whether there are hotels built on the dune areas or not. Most tourist areas on the East coast of the United States like Myrtle Beach and Florida have programs from time to time to rebuild and replenish what the waves wash away. Places like the barrier islands at Hilton Head are finding it necessary to put up sea walls since it is no longer feasible to rebuild beaches. This is necessary and will be increasingly so as sea levels continue to rise and warmer ocean temperatures foster more and stronger hurricanes. The Belgian company that rebuilt the beaches after Wilma warned that if there were no maintenance program, the beaches in Cancun would eventually wash away again and that that would be even faster if there were any hurricane or storm activity. It is their business to know that. They are also the same company working on the Dubai Palm Island projects. Seems they knew what they were talking about.
(From today's El Periódico--my translation) There will be $300 million pesos for Beach Recovery Martes 7 Octubre, 2008 Chetumal.- The Quintana Roo Government will get 300 million pesos from the federal government. This will be invested in the recovery of some 15 kilometers of beachfront especially in the north of the State said Gabriel Mendicutti Loría, Secretary of Infrastructure and Transportation for the State. He mentioned that last Saturday Governor Félix González had a meeting with businessmen Jesús Almager, José Chapur and the Federal Secretary of Tourism, Rodolfo Elizondo, in which they made known the details of how the resources would be utilized. “They confirmed to the Governor that they are setting aside $300 million pesos for the beach recovery project in which an external company (el Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua), the Mexican Water Technology Institute who signed off on the projects that we have worked with,” he stated. He expressed that everything if everything goes well, (!!!!) the the work on beach recovery will begin in January or February of 2009. He commented that with those $300 million pesos they will be able to recover 12 kilometers of beach in Cancun and 4 in Playa del Carmen, as well as being able to provide maintenance for 7 kilomters of beaches in Cozumel. “In order to recover the beaches, we will have to empty at least a million and half cubic meters of sand so that the federal coastal spaces will end up with approximately 20 meters (wide),” he pointed out He also pointed out that it seems that there is a committment on the part of the federal government to set aside resources in the order of $20 and $40 million pesos a year for beach maintenance. Gabriel Mendicutti Loría emphasized that the businessmen have demonstrated their interest in paying a larger amount to federal beach zone taxes as long as the maintenance of the coastas areas is included. He mentioned that during the next 10 years, $700 million pesos could be required for the maintenance of the beaches in the north of the State. (At the same time they are announcing budget cutbacks in the areas of tourism and roads. It also remains to be seen how the peso fares with the dollar as to just what those peso quantities will purchase in the near future.) Original article below----------------------------------- Serán 300 mdp para recuperación de playas Martes 7 Octubre, 2008 Chetumal.- Obtiene el gobierno de Quintana Roo 300 millones de pesos de parte de la federación, que se invertirán en la recuperación de unos 15 kilómetros de playas sobre todo de la zona norte del estado, dijo Gabriel Mendicutti Loría, secretario de Infraestructura y Transporte en el Estado. Mencionó que el pasado sábado, el gobernador Félix González Canto sostuvo una reunión con los empresarios Jesús Almager, José Chapur y el secretario federal de turismo, Rodolfo Elizondo, en la que se dieron a conocer detalles de cómo se aplicarán los recursos. “Se le confirmó al gobernador que se van a etiquetar 300 millones de pesos para la recuperación de playas en donde va a trabajar una empresa externa que es el Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua, quienes avalaron los proyectos en los que hemos trabajado”, informó. Expresó que de marchar todo bien, los trabajos de recuperación de playas iniciarían en enero o febrero del 2009. Comentó que con los 300 millones de pesos se podrán recuperar 12 kilómetros de playa en Cancún y cuatro en Playa del Carmen, además de que se le podrá dar mantenimiento a siete kilómetros de arenales de Cozumel. “Para recuperar las playas se tendrá que vaciar al menos un millón y medio de metros cúbicos de arena, para que los espacios costeros federales queden de aproximadamente 20 metros”, apuntó. Destacó que al parecer hay el compromiso del gobierno federal de etiquetar recursos por el orden de entre 20 y 40 millones de pesos al año para dar mantenimiento a las playas. Gabriel Mendicutti Loría enfatizó que los empresarios han mostrado su interés de dar una mayor cantidad de impuestos por zona federal, siempre y cuando también se incluya el mantenimiento a las zonas costeras. Mencionó que se estima que para los próximos 10 años se podría requerir de 700 millones de pesos para el mantenimiento de las playas en el norte de la entidad.
(From the Diario de Yucatan) Plan approved for Beach Recovery The beach recovery project will be finalized with the first option that the businesspeople proposed which consists in requesting a loan (!) for $300 million with Banobras bank with the federal government as a cosigner and guaranteeing the payment with the Zofemat tax (beach concession tax) which will be increased up to 20% stated the Cancun Hotel Association President, Jesús Almaguer Salazar. With this measure that was agreed upon at a meeting held in Merida, GovernorFelix Gonzalez Canto, the Secretary of Tourism Rodolfo Elizondo Torres, and Mr. Almaguer rejected the proposal made by the ex-President of the Cancun Hotel Association, José Chapur Zahuol to the State Representatives to increase the property tax in the federal zone as an alternative methos of raising the necessary funds that will also guarantee as well the 15-year maintenance of the beaches, he said. He explained that for the rebuilding project, they will need from 1.8 to 2 million m3 of sand on the beach from Punta Cancún to Punta Nizuc. (Translator's note: A bank loan? Now? Let's see. Today they also announced that the bidding for the new Riviera Maya airport will be "postponed.") ------------------------------ Aprueban el plan para la recuperación de playas El proyecto de recuperación de playas se concretará con el primer esquema que plantearon los empresarios, el cual consiste en solicitar un préstamo de $300 millones con el banco Banobras, con el gobierno federal como aval y garantizando el pago a través del impuesto de la Zofemat, mismo que tendrá un incremento de hasta 20% en su tasa, afirmó el presidente de la Asociación de Hoteles de Cancún, Jesús Almaguer Salazar. Con esa medida que acordaron en reunión que sostuvieron en Mérida, el gobernador, Félix González Canto el gobernador, el secretario de turismo, Rodolfo Elizondo Torres, y el propio hotelero, se descarta la propuesta que llevó el ex presidente de la Asociación de Hoteles de Cancún, José Chapur Zahuol a la Cámara de diputados, para incrementar el cobro del impuesto predial, en la zona federal, como una alternativa para reunir los fondos necesarios que garanticen también el mantenimiento a 15 años de los litorales, dijo. Explicó que para el proyecto se requerirá de un nuevo relleno de 1.8 a 2 millones de m3 de arena en el litoral desde Punta Cancún hasta Punta Nizuc.
News article from today's paper (Oct. 17) They Fix a Tax for Beach Recovery VIERNES 17 DE OCTUBRE DE 2008 02:40 NOÉ ZAVALETA Starting in 2009, concessionaries of the Zofemat (people like hotels and other businesses who make money off of their use of the federally-owned beaches) will pay an extra amount to creat artificial reefs that they plan will stop the beach erosion. The Riviera Maya and Cancún requiere a total of $30 million dollars to achieve the beach rescue, the creation of artifical reefs, maintenance and the "weather proof" halt to beach erosion and the overuse by hoteliers long term. So says the Governor of the State, Félix Arturo González Canto, while eplaining to the media that with the approval of the federal government and and Congress in the 2009 Budget, the explitation by those who benefit from the federal and maritime zones will be increased by 25%. That is to say that starting in 2009, the hoteliers, restauranteurs, and all of the discos and bars along the beachwill have to pay 25 percent extra to be able to exploit the Zona Federal Marítimo Terrestre (Zofemat). Félix González explained: “This 25 percent increase es an operating fund to finance the rescue of the beaches; in total, we need $30 million dollars and not only to rescue the beaches and that's it. They must be maintained and the erosion stopped with the construction of artificial reefs." An Important Step The State Executive, who qualified this announcement of the beach rescue as “and important and positive step,” assured them that the federal government will administer and operate these funds for the rescue of the Rivera Maya and Cancun beaches. .........................(a couple of paragraphs omitted--included below in Spanish) The Governor of the state emphacized that with the recovery of the Riviera Maya and Cancun beaches, they will not ignore the beaches of other tourist destinations like Cozumel and Isla Mujeres. -------------------------- Fijan impuesto extra para rescatar playas VIERNES 17 DE OCTUBRE DE 2008 02:40 NOÉ ZAVALETA A partir del 2009, concesionarios de Zofemat pagarán tributo extra para crear arrecifes artificiales con lo que se pretende frenar la erosión de las playas. La Riviera Maya y Cancún requieren de un total de 30 millones de dólares para lograr el rescate de playas, la creación de arrecifes artificiales, el mantenimiento y la detención de la erosión a prueba de fenómenos climatológicos y de depredación de hoteleros, a un largo plazo. Así lo aseguró el gobernador del estado, Félix Arturo González Canto, al explicar a los medios de comunicación que con la aprobación del gobierno federal y el Congreso de la Unión, en la Ley de Ingresos 2009, aumenta en 25 por ciento el impuesto de explotación a todos aquellos que se benefician con la zona federal y marítima. Es decir, a partir del 2009, los hoteleros, los restauranteros y todas las discotecas y bares instalados a la orilla de la playa tendrán que pagar 25 por ciento de impuesto extra por explotar la Zona Federal Marítimo Terrestre (Zofemat). Félix González explicó: “Este 25 por ciento de aumento es un fondo director para financiar el rescate de las playas; en total necesitamos de 30 millones de dólares y no sólo es rescatar los arenales y ya, se le debe dar mantenimiento y frenar la erosión con la construcción de arrecifes artificiales”. Un paso importante El mandatario estatal, quien calificó este anuncio de rescate de los arenales como “un paso importante y positivo”, aseguró que existe la garantía de que el gobierno federal administre y opere estos recursos para el rescate de playas en la Riviera Maya y en Cancún. González Canto estuvo presente en el arranque del VII Congreso Nacional de Médicos Residentes del Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE), acompañado del director nacional de esta dependencia, Miguel Ángel Yunes Linares y del presidente municipal de Solidaridad, Román Quian Alcocer. En improvisada rueda de prensa, en un salón del hotel Barceló, Félix González adelantó: “Con estos recursos podremos darle una solución real y no provisional, detener la erosión de las playas; a través de la construcción de los arrecifes se podrá detener la erosión de las playas con el paso del tiempo”. El gobernador del estado hizo énfasis en que, aunado a la recuperación de playas de la Riviera Maya y Cancún, no se descuidarán los arenales de otros destinos turísticos, como Cozumel e Isla Mujeres.
Temptations has permission to do their own beach recovery..... CANCUN, MX .- While employers and authorities at times appear to advance the project of recovery from the beaches of Cancun, but without anything concrete yet, a hotel this week got permission from the Semarnat to push his own plan for halting the erosion of its beaches. In his second attempt, the company Hotel Operations Services, SA de CV Hotel Blue Bay won environmental permits to fill the hotel beach Temptation Resort & Spa is located at the top of the Hotel Zone of Cancun, right on the 3.5 kilometer. To make the work of filling the hotel will draw on a bank loan of sand located about 300 meters from the site, as specified in the environmental impact that was submitted for assessment before the General Directorate of Environmental Impact and Risk Semarnat last April 24, that is, for almost six months. We must remember that this project, with some minor modifications, was first introduced in October 2007 under the name of "Recovery from the beach in the coastal sector of the Hotel Blue Bay Getaway," but, after being subjected to a process of public consultation, was rejected. The investment for the filling of sand is one million 128 thousand 150 pesos. (Noticaribe) Original Spanish link.... http://www.noticaribe.com.mx/cancun/2008/10/autorizan_a_hotel_rellenar_playa.html
That would certainly be a precedent since they have never permitted any other hotel to do that. In fact an article yesterday says the whole Cancun project is in jeapordy because 1 hotelier has taken it upon himself to rebuild his beach. Here is another article from today's Sat. 18 paper.) Three Project for Beach Recovery Sábado, 18 de Octubre de 2008 00:33 * The final decision of the viability will be given by the CFE, announced the Secretary of Tourism, Rodolfo Elizondo Torres * The financing is to be paid for with income from the Zofemat(federal beach tax), so there is no risk of the monies not being freed up: Félix González Por Olivia Vázquez The Federal Electrical Commission (CFE for its initials in Spanish) that determines the technical project that will be applied for the beach recovery in Cancun, pointed out Rodolfo Elizondo, head of the Secretariat of Tourism, who mentioned that there are 3 proposals to analyze including the last project that was presented a week ago by the Municipal government that refers to an artificial reefl. On the aspect of the financing, Rodolfo Elizondo said that the proposal presented by the Comisión de Hacienda (Mexican IRS) to increase by 25% the tax charged for the Zona Federal Marítimo Terrestre (beach concession tax) affected that will support the financing has already been approved in the budget so that the only thing left is to define the technical project and the company that will be doing the job. In this, the Governor of the State, Félix González Canto, guaranteed that the loan is precisely covered by the money from Zofemat tax, so that there is no risk that is will not be released. This came from the concern about the contraction expected for the Bank authorizing loans due to a lack of due diligence. On the technical project, Rodolfo Elizondo did not rule out that this project could be made up (patched) with parts of the three projects presented; one from the State government, another that the CFE presented and the presented a few days ago by the Municipal govenrment. The work cannot begin until after the CFE determines the technical viability, which is expected next January, even though no definite date has been announced since that will depend on the analysis done by the CFE. Even though it is certain that the project is one of the priorities of the destination, Sectur (Secretary of Tourism) made it clear that the negociations and analysis meetings that were done in Los Pinos (Mexican "White House") in a special commission only defined the support and financing program but the technical part has been turned over to the CFE and it must determine the next technical step, a matter that some experts in the area estimate may take more time than they have. (sic) The only area that already has a technical evaluation is the strip of 3 to 5 kilometers to be recovered in Solidaridad (Playa del Carmen--the specific area mentioned is in Playacar), has already been approved by the Commission and has no technical impediments. Fernando García Zalvidea, President of the hotel group Royal & Resort, who was present at the press conference where they made the announcements, mentioned the urgency of fimring up the project and that it be reinforced by the proposal of the aritifical reef that was recently proposed and is approved so he says by technical analyses. With this project, they could begin the beach rebuilding diminishing the scattering of sedimen and the loss of sand from the beaches. For today, he specified that the lack of sand is already causing immeasurable losses and bad publicity for the destination since the tourist cancels or wants his money back when he sees the condition of the beach. -------------------------- Tres proyectos para recuperación de playas Sábado, 18 de Octubre de 2008 00:33 Indice del artículo Tres proyectos para recuperación de playas Page # Todas las páginas * El dictamen final de viabilidad lo dará la CFE, anunció el secretario de Turismo, Rodolfo Elizondo Torres * El crédito está apuntalado con ingresos de Zofemat, por lo que no hay riesgo para su liberación: Félix González Por Olivia Vázquez Será la Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE) la que defina el proyecto técnico que se aplicará para la recuperación de playas de Cancún, señaló Rodolfo Elizondo, titular de la Secretaría de Turismo, quien aclaró que son tres las propuestas que se analizan, incluyendo el último proyecto que fue presentado hace una semana por el gobierno municipal, que refiere un arrecife artificial. En el aspecto de financiamiento, Rodolfo Elizondo informó que la iniciativa presentada por la Comisión de Hacienda para que se registre un aumento (25%) en el cobro de Zona Federal Marítimo Terrestre afectada para que den soporte al financiamiento, ya fue aprobada en la Ley de Derecho, por lo que sólo resta definir el proyecto técnico y la empresa que estará realizando la obra. En este sentido, el gobernador del Estado, Félix González Canto, garantizó que el crédito está apuntalado precisamente con Zofemat, por lo que no se tiene ningún riesgo para su liberación. Esto derivado de la contracción que se espera en la liberación de créditos de la Banca por efecto de precaución. Del proyecto técnico, Rodolfo Elizondo no descartó la posibilidad de que este proyecto podría quedar conformado (parchado) con partes de los tres proyectos que se han entregado; uno del gobierno del estado, otro que realizó la CFE y otro que fue presentado hace unos días por el municipio. Será hasta que la CFE determine la viabilidad técnica, cuando se pueda iniciar obra, lo que se estima en enero próximo, aunque todavía no se da una fecha definitiva, ya que ello dependerá del análisis que realice la CFE. Aunque se asegura que el proyecto es una de las prioridades para el destino, la Sectur deja claro que las gestiones y mesa de análisis que se realizaron en Los Pinos en una comisión especial, sólo definieron el soporte y esquema de financiamiento, pero la parte técnica ha pasado a manos de la CFE, que deberá determinar el siguiente paso técnico, cuestión que estiman algunos expertos en el tema, podría llevarse más tiempo del que se tiene. La única zona que ya tiene una evaluación técnica es el tramo de tres a cinco kilómetros a recuperar en Solidaridad, que ya está avalado por la Comisión y que no tiene ninguna traba técnica. Fernando García Zalvidea, presidente del Grupo hotelero Royal & Resort, quien estuvo presente en la conferencia de prensa donde se dieron los anuncios, manifestó la urgencia de concretar el proyecto y que este se refuerce con la propuesta del arrecife artificial que se propuso recientemente y que está avalada, según informa, por análisis técnicos. Con este proyecto, se podría iniciar el relleno de arenales disminuyendo el esparcimiento de sedimentos y la fuga de arenales de la costa. Por hoy, especificó que la falta de arena ya provoca pérdidas incuantificables y una mala publicidad para el destino, pues el turista cancela o pide la devolución de su dinero cuando ve la condición de la duna.