Occupy Wall Street, what are your thoughts?

Discussion in 'Free For All' started by twinimini, Oct 18, 2011.

  1. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    We are the 99% ?

    I've met plenty of people from the US and I really don't think the 99% are:

    - on minimum wage
    - up to the eyeballs in debt
    - suffering from a debilitating disease that prevents them working
    - gay or transgender
    - students forever
    - unable to access healthcare

    Perm any 4 from the 6 above and you have 99% of the "we are 99%".

    Where the hell do they think they live with that attitude of entitlement? England?


    [ame=""]Interview with Self-Proclaimed Maoist in "Occupy Philly" Protests - YouTube

    [ame=""]Occupy Wall Street Protester Wants College Paid For Because That's What He Wants - YouTube

    [ame=""]Wall Street Protester Has World's Greatest Meltdown - YouTube
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2017
  2. Brewster

    Brewster I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 12, 2010
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    LOL... that was great Steve

    Yeah...the quality of representation is somewhat lacking...

    Perhaps if they said "We are the bottom 1% of the 99%"

    Keith, let me know when it's time. I'll chip in for a box of beer for his send off.
  3. twinimini

    twinimini I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Steve, that was perfect! All these people want is....well, everything. Just Gimme, Gimme, Gimme! That seems to be their mantra.

    Let's see, I work 80 hour weeks, don't sleep at night because of concerns about the future of my business and my family and the families of those who work for me, but I should just give everything I own to those who won't work. It just doesn't cut it.

    As for the banks and the housing crisis, Jamie has it exactly right. The government forced the banks to make those loans. Believe it or not, the government is still forcing banks to make those loans. I remember good old Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Andrew Cuomo telling us how wonderful it is that all Americans will be entitled to own their own home, regardless of their economic standings. Nice job guys! And their punishment for their mistake is what? Let's see, Frank is still in office, Dodd is drawing his huge Senate pension, and Cuomo is now governor of NY. Maybe it's time we protested. Oh, but wait. We can't protest. We have to work to pay for those who are protesting.
  4. Canadian Dos Equis fan

    Canadian Dos Equis fan Cancuncare's Most Interesting Man Registered Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    Ok I think the last video was the best! "We don't know what we are protesting but we will do it loudly!" lol
  5. indycpl

    indycpl Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 29, 2011
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    The best way to sum up your question is who here would approve of your daughter marrying one of the protesters?

    My opinion is the people that are protesting have NO CLUE they are thoughtless, empty minded and lazy, entitlement demanding THUGS
    The networks claim thousands but I have friends that live in NY and they say maybe 500 to 600 PPL not the thousand's that the news would have you believe.
    Have you seen the private videos that the protesters have uploaded to YouTube, Real first class ppl.
  6. BillS

    BillS Regular Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2009
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    My dispassionate reading of all the above comments concludes you are all correct in your statements, even though you think you are disagreeing....As far as the negative effects of the reckless banking practices of the last few years: I read in the WSJ (finally, since I'd been watching for it) last week American banks have 1.2 trillion in outstanding loans to European banks who have propped up Greece, Italy and the other EU irresponsible countries. I fear we face another default and big slide....And fairly soon...
  7. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Personally, I think its awesome.

    People are exercising their right to protest and speak up.

    Im happy the movement is growing stronger everyday, and I truly hope something well thought through plans are included, so its not "just" a regular protest.

    This is the beauty of democracy and Im very happy to see that they are allowed to continue. If one DONT like free speech and such, well, a one way ticket to North Korea, Iran etc. shouldn't cost that much ;)

    Ps. I giggle when Tea Party supporters/members(?) call these people "thugs" and want them punished for their actions. I do expect that these same people realize what the real Tea Party was, and that their little group of loudmouths are named after the same event. But Im sure its different when something benefits YOU, rather than "them", right? :)
  8. The Original G Spots

    The Original G Spots Baby G & Craig G Registered Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    I'm from NJ, and c this on new networks everywhere, don't agreed with the way they go about it but some points can be made. How wall street wants to write their own rules, the banks got bail out and trying to repeat what they got in trouble 4 in the first place. I witness alot of shit in my 49 years on this earth. I live in a urban city in Jersey, and see how certain banks give really LOW interest on your savings, and the same bank in a suburban neighborhood give very good rates. So unless u been through some of this craziness people r mad about, u can only guess.
  9. indycpl

    indycpl Enthusiast Registered Member

    May 29, 2011
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    I am all for free speech and free choice, Our "Republic" (USA is not a Democracy) was founded on this. Our capitalistic system allows each of us to determine what company's we do business with.
    I was not for any Bailouts for the auto or banking industry's, I do not believe that the government should be in the business of picking winners or losers in any form, I think the banks, auto or any company should be allowed to fail under the bankruptcy laws.
    There is a very big difference between The Tea Party protesters and the OWS Protesters from my point of view. (I am not a member of either) The Tea party wants to get control of our runaway federal government spending and from what I have seen of the OWS is they want to ? be ? There is no Clear message from them other than just to disrupt traffic and SHi... on police cars. Now were is the message in that? Have you seen the videos posted by the OWS people ? What message does that send?
    "We have accepted today the existence in perpetuity of a permanent underclass of scores of millions who cannot cope and must be carried by society -- fed, clothed, housed, tutored, medicated at taxpayer’s expense their entire lives. We have a dependent nation the size of Spain in our independent America. We have a new division in our country, those who pay a double or triple fare, and those who ride forever free.”
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2011
  10. rawkus

    rawkus I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Sep 15, 2008
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    indycpl: Thats why I added "hope some well thought through plans are included". Also, Im simply happy to see that people are allowed to voice their anger/mistrust etc., even confusion(hehe).

    What I meant with the Tea Party was the original event v/s the name these people have taken, v/s the fact that they dont seem to want people to be allowed to voice their opinions.

    My hopes are that this can spark something with a substance - just because it starts out "wild", doesnt mean it wont give birth to something good.
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