Ok I just read the Obama will be in Cancun during April, does anyone know what day? I will be there 10-17th and I hope he wont! No offense to anyone here but I've been in town's when the big cheese was there and it's a pain in the but. Traffic and everything else. C
Yesterday's paper said that Obama will be meeting with the Mexican president Calderon on April 16/17th. Expect some traffic and high security!
The airport will SHUT DOWN while the presidents are going in and out of it. They don't let any planes take off. Expect it to be disrupted for two hours each time one of them shows up or leaves.
Where will he stay? Last year when we were staying at the FAGCB it was rumored that Condoleezza Rice and Ben Bernanke were staying there as well for some big finance meeting. We had a card in our room about it explaining the changes in security. Security was extremely tight. We had to go through metal detectors when returning to the hotel and certain elevators and hallways were closed. There were men is suits everywhere. But, I was very cool being on "Condy watch". We didn't see either of them, though.