Oasis Palm vs Oasis Cancun for spring break?

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by drdavidge, Feb 1, 2007.

  1. drdavidge

    drdavidge Guest

    +0 / 0
    Hey guys, which hotel do you think is a better place to stay at for spring break, the Oasis Palm or the Oasis Cancun? I found the palm w/ direct flight and all inclusive for 848 flying out on thursday and oasis cancun for 961 same deal. I heard the Oasis Cancun has a lot of construction going on now and its hard to sleep. What are your thoughts?
  2. EngineerGuy

    EngineerGuy I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 15, 2004
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    +2 / 0
    umm............ oasis cancun would be a million times better! If you are looking for spring break crowds, party atmosphere and 24/7 parties! All signs point to construction being completed well before spring break, but, just my opinion. Oasis palm doesnt really have many breakers there.
  3. whdream

    whdream Guest

    +0 / 0
    Welly ou are right with the Oasis it is the party hotel. But there seems to be alot of stuff Hotel wise going on there. You can always check ou thte Hotel Section on this site nad se the reviews or check out trip advisor..
  4. ACBUD420

    ACBUD420 Guest

    +0 / 0
    Oasis Cancun

    nuff said
  5. shauny

    shauny Guest

    +0 / 0
    oasis cancun all the way it was insane and honestly its spring break who even sleeps so what wud it matter about construction lol but seriously oasis cancun definately people drinking at like 9am and wen everyone gets ready at night just b4 going out atmosphere blows ur mind!
  6. ACBUD420

    ACBUD420 Guest

    +0 / 0
    classic shaun.. gettin people hyped!

    we missed u
  7. shauny

    shauny Guest

    +0 / 0
    hahahahahahaha so true and back as big as ever! although im not even bloody going! RUBBISH!
  8. drdavidge

    drdavidge Guest

    +0 / 0
    haha def sounds like my friends. we went to cancun 2 years ago and stayed at the varribean village and had a good time. id love to came back this year but everyone is kinda into going to punta cana instead. hopefully they will change their minds but if not.. cancun 2008 hopefully! haha
  9. whdream

    whdream Guest

    +0 / 0
    Ugh Punta Cana?? No bars and no clubs there..Your friends do realize that?
  10. drdavidge

    drdavidge Guest

    +0 / 0
    really? what the hell.. whats it like then?
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