Hi, Me and 5 mates (aged 21-24) are coming to Cancun for the Spring Break in 2007. Is it wise to stay at the Oasis Cancun if we still like a bit of comfort but live for parties and women.... Hearing that this hotel is a bit like a hostel with a pool.... Any other suggestions or where we should stay.... Also when is the best time to come during Spring Break?
Go for the Riu...much much nicer. The acomodations at the Oasis are less than deisreable. They have the rep of being THE party hotel for Spring Break because MTV has been there for the past several years...with the exception of this past year. But no one know whther MTV will go back there or not. If you want to check out their parties during the day you can always get a day pass. The accomodations at the Riu are very nice to say the least...you'll be very happy. Peak weeks for Spring break for US schools is usually the first two weeks of March.
klaw hi see the thing is we are kind of looking for all kinds of crazy stuff.... cant really see this taking place at the rui hotels can you? i went cancun in 2005 and always got stopped trying to bring girls back to the hotel. at least if we stayed in the oasis then there would be girls floating about so we could just bring them back to our rooms instead.... see where im coming from? i heard that since the storms the oasis cancun has been done up a lot nicer as well.... is this true can you recommend any other young lively hotels that are near the nightlife?
Unless the girls you hook up with are staying at the Oasis you aren't going to necessaruily have an easy time gtting them into your room. It's really the resorts that aren't all inclusive that are easiest to get people into. No, the Riu will not be crazy but this past Spring Break neither was the Oasis from everything I hear. They had nothing special during the day either. You are assuming the the Oasis will have MTV back and that's an assumption that I think it is way to early to make. No one knows where MTV will have a big presence this year...it may or may not be the Oasis. So no guarentees that it will be anymore of a partry place then the other resorts. Lots from this board went during Spring Break this year so I'm sure they'll be along to tell you how their resort was during the day.
when i went in march and got the day pass, it wasnt done up that nice and there were alot less people contests music craziness going on, it seems everyyear it gets less and less, from when i went in 03 there were wet tshirt contests drinking games djs music all kinds of stuff alot of people each year it gets less and less, but it is still the number 1 party hotel, if u want somehting a littel more nicer try the grand oasis, located in the oasis complex and u can use all of oasis beach pools etc
well, last year wasnt a "normal" cancun spring break experience due to the hurricane damage!! This year, expect things to be back to normal, thats for sure!!
i would go to the Oasis if you're after girls and a party. i know they didnt have much going on this year in the day (which was shit as last year was amazing) but its still packed out full of people and its excellent fun meeting everyone. (there were a few fitties stayin there this year so i had no complaints watching them... haha) The Riu will be nicer but quieter, you cant get away with as much? tough call though, like our hotel this year The Oasis Viva was in Excellent location and the rooms were really good etc... but very quiet hotel.. excellent holiday though all the same, just depends what you looking for more? comfort or crowds....
if you have stayed in shitty apartments in ibiza/aiya napa/magaluf etc you will be happy with the oasis its a palace compared to those places :lol: it prob has the best atmosphere of the 2 (spring break)
Re: college guy if you are wanting the ALL OUT party atmosphere 24/7, oasis is the place to be, hands down!! Besides there place isnt as bad as some people make it seem! Its an all out party with decent food and drinks! If you are looking for something a little less party, pick any other hotel.