Hi All, Does anyone know if there are any Oakley's shops in any of the malls or any places with good deals. Also are Oakley's cheaper in Mexico than the uk, I know they are usually cheaper in USA but not sure about Cancun. Cheers
There is an Oakley store in Kukulkan Mall. Prices there are more expensive than in the US but I am not sure how they compare to the UK. We own a sunglass store in the US and we get quite a bit of visitors from the UK who love to stock up on Oakleys!
My main worry is whether you're actually getting what you pay for here. If you wear glasses that are said to be UV blockers and it turns out they aren't, you can really damage your eyes. I'm going without sunglasses right now because I don't know if anything I buy here is actually good enough. There's a bunch of sunglasses in Walmart that are labeled "polarising", but when you put two of them together and rotate the lens of one 90 degrees, there is no change, so they definitely AREN'T polarised.
The Kukulcan Plaza website doesn't appear to reflect the Oakley store: http://www.kukulcanplaza.com/ The Oakley home page doesn't make reference to any official dealers in Mexico...they do for Morocco, tho! http://oakley.com/
I got a pair of polarizing sunglasses at Costco, and they definitely polarize the light...they are not Oakley's though...I already have a pair of those...bought them in Colorado...
GONZO- Don't have a website - sorry. We do not sell Vaurnets. Even tho we are in a ski area (remember the 80's!) Vaurnet just does not have the demand it once did. DREWBERT - That is right about the UV protection. IF the cheaps ones do not have it (though most do) it is worse for your eye because behind your cheap shades you are wearing are causing your pupil to enlarge letting in even MORE of the UV!
I lived in Big Sky, Mt in the mid 80's and you had to have them, or hide your face in shame. Vaurnets US headqurters are near me. I still have a pair, and still love them. Thanks for the reply.