Best part is everyone going ga ga over a pic filled with blurry faces and backs of heads. On that note, Henry, count me in with you for CSB2012!
Canadian spring break is at a different time of year. usualy like the 19th to 26th ish. mine was the week before that cuz my school decided to be gay and mix everything up. I caught the begining of the main canadian spring break week tho and this night was on the first saturday night of it.
If you don't mind, I'm going to post that picture in my Facebook so I can bluff my friends back home. :mnm::mnm::mnm::mnm::mnm::mnm::mnm::mnm:
nope, nothing special. tdiggz was there but thats not why. just the tour company s-trip from canada typically has a really good ratio ive found so far. it was just one of the nights on the party package.