The cruise scheduled for Monday Nov 24th has been switched to Sun Nov 23rd. The original date was short on numbers, but with this change we should get quite a few more people join us.
By my messed up attempt at counting there are approximately 40 confirmed so far for Dec 8th I know we will all be sitting at our computers just waiting for 1pm Saturday to book!
Hey Steve, would the same be true for the 28th to the 29th? I know I would be more likely to jump in...
We have already booked for the 28th but would be happy to move to the 29th too, means we can get a bit of a tan before the cruise, then hopefully won't fry. :mexicoflag:
Hmmm wish we could go... Even for just a 5 day trip... Hmmmm something to look into... Dammit! Now you got me thinking. Lol Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk
Was there last sunday......and now looking at returning early December. (most likely a short 4 days trip).... Oh Yesssss!