Unfortunately, I'm not going to be making an appearance this November or December... Steve, reluctantly I will ask you remove me from the roll call......:cry:
I'm feeling some pressure to find slutty club wear since Brent thinks my current attire is not short enough or doesn't show enough cleavage. Looks like I'm going shopping again:mnm:
I went shopping, still don't think i'll make it to the super slutty league, I guess I'll just have to make up for it in attitude! Your welcome to join me! Cheryl
Brent says that I have always had the attitude, I just need the slutty wear to complete the package. It will be nice to have a partner in crime though.
Well looks like a last minute trip. As long as my vacation time gets approved today I should be there nov 2-7. Been to TTR in Jan,may and March and cann't wait to meets new friends and connect with some old friends that will be there from the May group. Going single like always... but if Nov is like all the other times I have been there I will meet some great people wether single or couples. Rob
That would be great if you can make it. I thought you were awesome in your support of Karen during her quest to become Temptation's Miss April. I, also hope we will see you on the boob cruise on November 4th. Jim
Hope all works out would be wonderful to finally meet you. Though we'd only have a couple days we leave the 4th :icon_cry: Hope to see you there!!