What dates will you be at TTR? You register for the Boobs Cruise when a thread is started for the date that you want to register for. Typically, the thread is started about 1 month before the cruise. There are also other threads for different theme nights that others on here have organized.
Getting sick on the boob cruise does not happen as often as you may think, but I have a friend who did get seasick. I'm sure it was awful for her. However, the next year she learned a trick that worked for her (and all of us). Take Bonine (an over the counter motion sickness medication) and the trick is - take it before you go to bed the night before. Since it works for 24 hours, it will get you through the Boob cruise but it will not make you tired because you slept through the drowsy period. You really do not want to miss the boob cruise and I can almost guarantee this will work for ya.
Glad I could help!!! Did the RACE FOR THE CURE this Am it was 28 degree's Burrrrr! But warmed up tp 54. Enjoy the cold Baby!!! Debbie