Got home late last night. Ready to head back out again!!! Ten days of sun & fun & sexy new friends. What more could anyone ask for???
At least we're on a single digit countdown now...this time next week I'll be able to say....I'll be there tomorrow! Bring it on...Can't wait!!! Think I am just about ready now too. I have only one more thing to buy to complete the outfits but I still have the mask pasties to make for a few of the girls for Mask Night - Dec. 4th! (wish me luck on those...I'm no artist but they will wear them!!!!)
3 more sleeps here. I hope we recognize people. We can sometimes be shy at first so if you see us please come up and say hi
We will be sad together as we both leave on the 2nd! I don't even want to think about that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Meanwhile............THE PARTY IS ON.
That's why I say there should be some type of "ceremony" when you first show up at the sexy pool with your orange bracelet and say "We're Here". Jesse, I volunteer you to "captain" that responsibility as I believe the tradition is then...EVERYONE DOES A SHOT! Right?
Sunday well you will be able to find me at 7pm on the 25th at pattyos bar sunday evening..I will be the one wearing nothing but a orange and black feather boa and orange neon face paint ... it is cancuncare orange theme lol xx:aktion014: