That's what we hear...can't wait. Wish it was november 23rd right now so we'd be there tomorrow. Would love to hear everyone's favorite things about it!
Getting off the plane and finally realizing I'm home once again. That and they have Oho Toro tequila at the airport that I can't get in the states.
November 8-15, second time. Hope to meet some kick ass people this time. Hoping for a Boobs Cruise and some laughs and drinks with friends!
We're heading back for the third year in a row... Nov 3 - 13 this time... should be amazing since there are 5 couples also coming with the same dates! See you then SANDS : ) and everyone else too!!
My wife and I will be there with 3 other couples 5-13. Looking to party and have a great time. It will be all of our first time. See you all there.
Our trip # Hummmmm who cares we lost count!!!!!!! We'll b there from Nov.12 thru Nov. 29 :ernaehrung015:more then 10 trips already and counting!!! artytime:artytime:we got another 20 years to go!!!! b-4 renewing our membership! :wink3:
Nov. 24th - Dec 1st Woop! Well the wife and I booked on Friday ... very eager and can't wait ... We get in at about 12:30 local Cancun time so we have at least a few hours to get acclimated to our adventures. what's this about a "Boobs Cruise"? hahahaha Anyway we're a fun couple and have been to cuba 4 times, this is our first to Cancun so we're eager to get our cherries popped ha! I'm sure it will live up to our expectations and then some ... Matt and Carrie