Hey J & J. If you hop over to the "late Nov/early Dec" thread, you'll see that Sue has a "Back to School" night planned for Nov. 29th. I'm assuming that means naughty schoolgirl get-ups. I've been sitting on this great pirate costume that's never made it out of my closet in 2 years (went down with H1N1 the first Hallowe'en I had it), so I'd be up for a Sexy Pirate night on the 27th or 28th (I don't arrive until the 26th). Pirate costumes are easy to improvise. Or Wickedtemptations.com had a few great ones on sale for 75% off earlier this week....not sure if the sale is still running. Arrrr!
29th I arrive on the 28th and our group has a school theme planned for the 29th if you want to join in the more the merrier xx
Booze Cruise Nov. 26th Hey late November folks. Totally DON'T want to step on anyone's toes, but thought I would throw this out there since my vacay dates are currently falling between the Nov. 26 and Dec 7 tentative booze cruise dates. How many people would be messed up if the cruise went on the 27th, 28th or 29th instead Saturday the 26th? How many additional people would join the cruise if it was moved to the 27th/28th/29th? I know there are at least 4 of us (some of which may be couples) that are arriving on the 26th. Nobody send me hate mail please! I'm just testing the waters. :brick:
Man, I knew I was forgetting something. I thought I was all done. One more thing I have to get now. Ok, last theme night. I mean it. :angrymad:
We are there same time as you so see you at the pool. Hope you join the Boobs Cruise on the 19th- it looks like a BLAST!
getting pumped up Getting excited! Will be there November 16-21. No kids, no work, no dogs, no worries! Greg and Jessica