In all likelihood you wouldn't be able to visibly identify a Caesar from a Bloody Mary. The only tipoff might be that in a Caesar you don't see the 'pulp' you do from Tomato juice. Put it this way, if you like Bloody Marys order 1 Caesar to compare. you never know.
November Boobs Cruises Deposits are now open for the cruise on November 19th Also currently taking deposits for cruises scheduled: November 5th: November 12th: Future Dates: The final cruise for November is planned for Sat 26th deposits will open up the last week of October.
Caesars are a good starting drink.......The day, the evening, clearing or starting a hangover......I prefer mine with hot pickled asparagus rather than celery though.
how about two boob cruises and 22 ceasers with celery and a salt rimmer to go please oh yah and maybe a dash of hot sauce:daveandmo: