"parkguy" -nice to meet you!! post a pic so we'll recognize you when you arrive :wink: Justin - I'm sure I didn't have to twist your arm THAT much but I'm so glad you're coming!!! I'll see you in Houston for the last leg of the trip, try not to get too hammered in the airport while you're waiting.. lol I don't want to have to carry you on the plane!
well thank you bdouglas, I thought I had a pic up,, but there is one there now, I'm looking forward to meeting some cool people, in hot mexico
There you are - good to SEE you! Yes, we're going to have a Fabulous time.. welcome to the group! ~Brenda
thats the whole idea of going on vacation,, and now it means alot more ,,, its snowing here already this morning. Guy,
Yikes - a few of you have snow already.. it's still slightly warm, sunny and in the 60's here in Seattle.. and everyone complains about our rain. I bet you wish you were here right now!! ha.ha..ha.
Getting a bit cooler in NC too, thankfully we don't see much snow. Ok, I'm off to Cali for work, then a quick trip to Vegas on the way back. Must continue the liver training
hell yes,, its our first snowfall this year,, and I know I'm Canadian,,, but I hate the cold, so 60 and rainy , works fine for me
Hey Jim you can probably count us in for a run around the Isla. Everyone up here suggests checking out the Isla for the day. I would like to stay intoxicated all week so maybe the golf carts would be safer!
Guys, dont forget we are planning on running an Isla Mujeres cruise on the 29th where we'll get to see the island and have a chance to do a golf cart run if people want to. I'm certainly not trying to tell people what they can or can not do on their vacation, but trying to organise a similar event one day later via the board is likely to split the group meaning numbers will be less for each event and both will not be as fun as if we are altogether.