Don't have kids. Misery loves company. Don't do it unless u want them a million percent and then still don't have them. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
People are stupid. We're young and childfree and get that from time to time. Got the snip done so it's a done deal now. We're in a good, closed/private facebook group for childfree peeps that's nice to have the re-affirming and venting and jokes. We just loved our life together, and all our hobbies and travel and everything and see all our friends having babies and their lives going to crap. Who needs that?
"Why wouldn't you want to have children if your body is capable of it?" Yes, someone actually said this to me. My body's also capable of having a gang bang, but I'm definitely not boarding that bus OMG!! That is priceless, and I just might have to use that next time, just to see their faces! :blueshock:
I've got three great kids, I love them all, and I love being a father. That said, raising children is an unbelievably demand on someone. Many people I think get caught up in 'baby fever' and want children without understanding what the demands are. It's good that you recognize that at this point in your life. Having children doesn't make any one any less or more of a person. I'm a single Dad now. My ex walked out on a marriage partly because of the overwhelming demands of being a mother. Too often I think parents put so much attention and focus into raising their children that the marriage gets neglected and deteriorates. Not having kids will allow you to focus on each other more. Just my cheap advice. Take it for what it's worth. :doh:
We have been married 29 years in March and we got that same question a lot when we were younger. It used to bother us when we would go to family reunions and an aunt would always ask the big kid question so one year I was ready for her as we sat down for lunch she was setting across from me and out came the question ( so Steve and Kelly when are you having kids) without a breath I said we have quit having sex becouse every time we do it I end up with shit on my cock!! never been ask again
You guys are awesome! Thank you so much for all these wonderful replies. And for all the ammo for next time this subject comes up! :liebe011: It's great to know we're not the only ones dealing with this!
Honestly, sometimes I'm a little jealous of folks who opted not to have kids. I mean, I adore my kids and all, but sometimes the idea of not having anyone to answer to or look after is appealing. Maybe your friends are jealous and are just trying to make themselves feel better by guilt-tripping you. It's a shame you have to deal with this, after all these years. Stick to your guns. It's your life and therefore your rules. Hopefully they'll back off.
Do I have to be the first to say it......? Thanks Mom and Dad for wanting kids, your son. However I respect you decision to not have children, sounds like people just want a reason for you to not have children and your decision not to is not enough for them.