Nikki&Ira... While I fully agree with your number 3... as we, also no kids, age it does cross your mind as to who will end up putting you in a home. May have to bribe my sister's kids to take care of us later. And Kristen.. we're with you too.... Jamie
Kelly and I are in somewhat of the same boat. We get comments and what not from family/friends all the time. These are a couple links to pretty entertaining opinions on the matter. Silly Things People Have Said to Me When I Tell Them I'm Not Having Kids*|*TueNight Things Never to Say to Women Who Don't Want Kids a couple highlights..... "Why wouldn't you want to have children if your body is capable of it?" Yes, someone actually said this to me. My body's also capable of having a gang bang, but I'm definitely not boarding that bus "I can't imagine not wanting kids." Great, so you know how I feel. Except about not wanting kids. We have so much in common!
Reading replies on this thread confirms why we all appreciate TTR and the Cancuncare forum. Both are unique places where open minded, genuine people who do not judge each other gather to celebrate life. If people would just accept the reality that every person is "amazing just the way they are" we would all smile more.
I am 35 and my husband and I don't want children either. We like to travel and have a dream of retiring in Flordia or even Mexico. Too bad we couldn't retire at Temptation I constantly get asked if I have children and when I tell them we don't want any they act as if there is something wrong w me. I get aren't you being selfish and you will change your mind. I have learned to ignore these people and realize it's my life not theirs. You are not any less of a women for not wanting kids. In fact, I applaud you for making that educated decision that many women don't even think about.
For a few years we didn't want kids...........................but are now soooooooooo glad we had them! There were tough years with the kids especially as they went through middle school.........................and seemingly years with limited through literally hundreds of cross-country and HS........and volleyball loads of college debt for one.............we'd not change a single thing! judging what you need and want!
I find only one really "funny" point. Who will take care of you when you are old? Are you friggin kidding me? I would LOVE to believe that my two sons (and their wives) are going to want to take care of their elderly parents just the way we are taking care of my husbands elderly parents right most of you "parents" can attest to we are the last from "this generation". Our kids are from a whole new generation with much different morals and scruples. Don't get me wrong, WE were the ones that brought them up and gave them so much more than what we had. Isn't that the way we all felt. Everyone wanted more for their kids. Well....again, to think my kids are going to "take care of us" - huh - I better start a supplemental policy to retirement because I just don't see that happening. So for those people who ask you who is going to take care of you.....laugh.....then say "do you really think your kids ARE going to take care of you?
Funny I agree. It is a funny point that people bring up when I tell them I don't want kids. That is not a reason to have kids.