Whoa! Looks lovely like Cuba Goodings head super imposed on Lyle Alzados body. The 1970's Lyle Alzado. I mean that in a good way of course.
Yep, thats the same guy on FB. Gotta respect a guy who isnt exactly young anymore and ripped like that. Tons of dedication, and in my experience, maybe a little test. As far as opinions? Meh...everyone has them, and most guys I work out with that look like that usually are over the top "confident".
This is exactly who I thought he was. Based on a couple different comments he made both here and facebook.
And sorry to all that say you have to respect him for his body, HELL NO I dont. I am calling roid rage on this guy.
Now that I just saw his picture here in the forum, I know why everyone was asking me all week if I was LL Cool J. OK, maybe not.