Don't understand the whole "need to get shitfaced" at TTR . Just coz its included doesn't mean its mandatory to get loaded . You can still be happy and have fun sober or just after a few drinks . Would you rather not know where you were what you did and who with the next day and would you not prefer to wake up without a headache the size of Vegas and actually be able to get up and function and eat breakfast before 2pm ? Sorry just don't get the whole "Im at TTR its included Im getting wasted " thinking of some (not all) people that go there . We have great fun at TTR and we do it all sober .
I had a brilliant answer to that, but I've forgotten what it was. In other news: I need another drink.
We aren't big drinker at home.. But when we are at TTR. it's because WE NEED a BREAK and to DISCONNECT from OUR LIFE. We don't care what others are thinking... We are usually funny & relax people to hang out with.. You might see me always with a drink on my hand but never see me drunk at the point I'm not able to walk.
Everyone there is on their vacation. If they get hammered and bother no one, so be it. If they stay sober and act like an idiot, which is more relevant to being a jerk? Everyone intends to have fun as they see fit. We have been both sober and hammered. Either way we both had fun. If either of us has a headache the next day, that is our issue. If I am up at 6AM, or 2PM, that is also my choice. Same for my wife. I agree that neither of us want to wake up late or miserable, but it has happened. Usually after the first day curse. What I have seen is help for the individuals that the alcohol has gotten the best of around the pool or Pattyos. It happens. I hope you all enjoy your upcoming vacations. Ours is hopefully in late September. We have always vacationed in Cancun in the late winter or spring.
I try to remain sober but that NEVER happens. Most days I leave breakfast with a pretty good buzz, especially when hubby orders Mimosas and a big ole shot of Baileys for my morning coffee.
I'll say that I'm proud of you.. Being at TTR and remaing sober is all good. But some of us just have to get drunk and make bad decisions LOL! Have fun on your trip. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I think you don't need to get hammered to have a good time, if I drink to much I just feel sick and want to sleep, so spoils the night, then you feel crap all the next day........a bit like I am feeling today.
Its all about finding your ''Happy Zone'' :beer4: Being a beer drinker, and having a small stomach , I can ussually drink myself sober. :beer4:
I do good until they start bring shots around in the evening at sexy pool and then it's hammer time . Lol
It's all about having fun ! Stepping out of your normal ! A lot of us have had enough experience to have a great time while exercising some common sense ! We always have a great time ! It's vacation you've earned it enjoy it in what ever way you want !