NO WAY? You mean Angi actually FINISHED that TR? Thank GOD!

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Angibaby, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. Angibaby

    Angibaby Guru Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Hey all! Yep I am back! Have to say as sad as it is to leave paradise I am happy to be home with my kiddos. I arrived late Sunday night and they all were sleeping gave em all kisses but they didnt wake. Man those faces this morning running to me! :D It is good to be loved! But you all arent here for that mushy gushy stuff from home you want to hear about a trip right? :lol:

    I am going to tell you I am not to great about the step by step of everyday and as the title explains briefly well, um, all wasnt smooth sailing! I met many CC'ers but many names and situations were pretty brief and even some were just pointed out to me and I never met them officially. Mix that with a little (or maybe a lot, but who's counting :lol: ) of alcoholic beverages then you get a bit of a mixed up trip report! Hope you can follow along!

    May 21st I didnt sleep a wink too hyped up to go! I packed, repacked and repacked. About 3 am on the 22nd I was getting dressed and applying makeup for the plane ride (what the hell may as well look good if I am up anyway! :lol: ) Our flight didnt even leave until almost 7am. My sweetie picked me up and away we went! We actually ran through the airport as the TSA wouldnt let us go through the right security line, told us going all the way around the airport to go through security and then coming back to that side of the airport for our terminal would be quicker. Talk about making two folks on no sleep CRABBY! My bf travels so often for work he KNEW that wasnt going to work. He wasnt happy. Oh well we made it! We had a stop in Texas and had time to kill so we started the drinking(YEAH BABY! Now if you know me Non Cancun you know I dont drink too much we only started the drinking after I was the first to order and Garland was like "it isnt even 11 am yet..." with a very confused look on his face! LOL! What the hell man we are on Vacation). So on the layover our plane was over sold and they were offering a VERY sweet deal to wait an extra 5 hours (first class PLUS 600$ total for our next flight!) we offered to take it and were a bit disappointed that they had our seats...I mean next year would have only been hotel! But hey we got to TTR on time! :D Well sort of! That new Terminal SUCKS ASS!!!! That line was crazy and humid! It took over an hour we started to worry that our transportation wouldnt be there by the time we got out. Fortunatly we booked Entertainment Plus and we found our name almost as soon as we walked out. A few minutes later our car arrived. The driver was extremely courteous and had just picked up his son up from the airport. Unfortunalty G and I dont travel light and that car was packed and I dont think he had air. Humidity was at about 80%...and I recieved 3 (yes count them THREE! 1.49 a minute phone calls from my kids kids lets get this straight right now...dont call me I will call you! UG) you can imagine that this wasnt the best car ride ever. Oh well I am in paradise with the one I love. Keep the smile Angi! :D

    Arrived to a smile from the bellman at the door! AHHHH we have arrived! Now I am in PARIDISE. We booked this year through Alpharooms and got that hellava deal baby! We booked the lowest class rooms and emailed a few requests and all but the fact that we wanted to over look the quiet pool were given so that was cool. We had a quiet a night room again and it was listed as "Garden view" but G and I leaned ALL the way over toe the side of the balcony and off in the distance you could even see the ocean and the sexy pool. Room 5133. It was fine by us really. We really liked what they did with the remodel of the rooms. We did get one of the "sexy" bathrooms with the swinging shower door (ewww good thing neither of us has a tendancy toward Montazumas stomach!) We did love that we had dual rain showers and the shower "peek" window was fun for a few tease shows I gave while washing! :wink: I can imagine though this type of bathroom isnt the type you want if you never fart in front of your partner! :oops: We settled in and not even sure where to from there. Maybe G will sign up and fill you all in on that if it even matters...nothing too interesting. Most likely just drinks and dinner. We did go to our first ever casino night (turns out because of too much alcohol earlier in the day that this was our ONLY ever casino night too! More on that later!) I wore my clothes...had to warm up to that idea. We had fun and I got a tshirt during the auction! :lol: I also met my first CC'er but for the life of me I cant remember your name (sorry!) Male maybe in his fifities I kinda wanna say it was Lowrider but were you even there my friend seems like it wasnt you! LOL! If it was anyone within the sound of my keystrokes speak up! I walked up to you and asked you if you posted here and you told me your name. I am forgetful! :oops: My sweetie and I took a walk on the beach and just enjoyed each others company.
    End part one...I need a break typing! LOL!
  2. Angibaby

    Angibaby Guru Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Holy sheeeaaat I type too much! :lol:
  3. Angibaby

    Angibaby Guru Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Ok so I feel like typin some more now. :lol: (SOMEONE has to fold the laundry, you didnt think I had Garland trained that well did you? :lol: )

    So Friday my sweetie works out and even does some work from his laptop before he wakes me (this man KNOWS how to make a lady happy! :lol: ) We shower, head to breakfast and decide to chillax by on the beach near the sexy pool. Were discussing the Friday night Booze cruise and a couple walks up and start discussing it with us and we tell them we loved it last year. We chatted a good long time as it seems we have much in common. They arent members here though I did tell them to join (so big shout out to Sheri and I am sorry hubby I dont remember your name. I do remember your tat though and told G he would have to get one just like it. SUPER CUTE folks...a heart with wifey's name and a chain on his left chest. Yup folks look for one of them on G's chest next year!LOL!). We ate our first Tex Mex lunch and for some reason never got the menu and were not impressed by the buffet. We didnt ever think we were coming back there! Had been drinking a bit and decided it was time for a "siesta!" and went back to the room. Fell asleep after the "siesta!" and missed our friends arrival but they were situated across the hall from us and woke us from our naked slumber! We scrambled to get dressed before opening the door and we all headed to the pool (hmmm I am fuzzy actually on this part!). Decided that it was a "go" for the cruise and bought the LAST 4 tickets (WHEEEEEW!) while the friends ate. Met up with them at the Tex Mex and wanted to know where in the HELL they got the burgers from! :oops: :lol: Apparently we were dumb A$$es! Drank some more. Went to change and "siesta!" some more! Met our compadres for the cruise and away we went. Had a good time drinking the cheap a$$ alcohol and decided to make fun of our sweethearts because both of them "stuck a pose" for a photo. It was a funny because these guys are so professional day to day but the still "stuck a pose" that was a bit "hood". Our sweeties knew we were joking cause they know we love them but the kicker is later that evening there was a guy, we will just call him "Bill" for our purposes (oh wait his name IS Bill...blew that cover! Waving to Bill and Tammy now!) You all who were there surely saw Bill he was hard to miss with his "sunglass eye" tan! Bill jumped into our photo (and at the time we didnt know him!) and "stuck the pose" For the rest of the trip we kept doing the "pose" at Bill every time we saw him (poor Tammy! :wink: ) and actually over the trip they became our friends and WILL be joining here after I email them a reminder....waving madly at them again! :D
    Anyhoo...We chitchatted it up with several folks and had a nice time. Overall though this cruise wasnt as fun as last year when Sergio got games and such going and that van ride seemed way worse. Saw a chick give a hand job in the parking lot before arriving at C&C's. Got our yards. Paid for the first of many overpriced photos and ate dinner and commenced to dance! Then they had to start the body shot contest! Oh yeah...wasnt missing out baby! So remember Sheri from above? Well hmmm...yeah! I must have liked her cause I pushed her hubby out of the way to give her the lick down. Yeah I guess there is always a first time every woman must lick between the legs and breasts of a woman she barely knows. Then G gave me MY lick down! (thanks baby!) In my defense tho I didnt REALIZE this was the same chick as earlier in the day until she told me the next day! :shock: Later G got a HUGE balloon penis and made all the girls jealous! I "vaugely" remember one chick touching it and so I touched or kissed on her somewhere. OOOPS! Guess thats what she gets for messing with MY stuff! :p Got back in the van and retired for the night. Well wait we may have had at LEAST ONE "siesta!" in there.

    OH wait! I WILL NOT FORGET like my good friend Jamie forgot me in his TR. :cry: :cry: :wink: I think the situation goes that Garland was talking to some people and well he cae back to me and was like someone wants to meet you baby. I am Ok and immeadiatly I see him..."Jamie!" put the hand out to shake and he was NOT taking that BIG 'OLE HUG! "we dont shake hands around here!" (See and I thought this MENT something to you! :cry: :cry: ) Brief chat with him but never met the Mrs. We came at the end of their trip.

    So this brings me to the part...Garland became "Mr. Angibaby" pretty much for the rest of the trip. Since I have my photo up here people at times did recognize me but I dont just go introduce myself too often because I am not one too much to talk first to someone. Several couples did introduce themselves and I think it was maybe Dave and Sue who stopped me as I was walking by them at the pool to introduce themselves and I am so happy that I could send them home "satisfied" by checking my name off their list! LOL! We took several photos with lots of people and I am sad to say I missed the jacuzzi party it looked like a blast! But Garland several times would come back from getting drinks (what the hell is taking him SO LONG with my liquor damn it!) and chatting with people. He would tell me "I was chatting with some more of your are a damn celebrity!" naturally he was exagerating a bit but meeting everyone was FUN! I dont want to miss anyone but I am sure I will. At some point I met Rosa and her hubby, Dave and Sue, Sassy, Lowrider and his wife (and though we spoke to you all the most during this trip I dont think we ever got your REAL names!) the couple who you all were with too (tho we didnt get to know them as well), Kimber and I am sure many more will come to me! We met many couples who are not members but we told them of this place and they will hopefully join.
  4. Angibaby

    Angibaby Guru Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Looking back at the roll call it may have been Bill and Chris who checked me off their list and went home satisfied. People please forgive me about my lack of correctness on this TR...I have FOUR kids and they have SUCKED my BRAINS OUT! I am SURE Garland can attest to that! :lol:

    So see my title isnt very well suited from what I have so far posted but it is late folks and I need to get up in a few winks. You will have to wait for an update to find out all that went wrong on this (although otherwise really fun) trip.

    I am talking to myself at this point anyways.... :roll:

    Tune in next time....
  5. Bethy

    Bethy Addict Registered Member

    Jul 23, 2006
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    Sounds like you had a lot of fun so far!
    This is a fun read!
  6. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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  7. Jamie

    Jamie Mayor of Temptation Registered Member

    Mar 11, 2003
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    OK... now you've made be feel like a heel. :oops:

    I do remember meeting you and G. In fact I met G first as you breezed by without saying hi. :wink: His purse did match his shoes. :D

    I'm sorry I didn't mention you in my trip report but if I add onto it with the other stuff I forgot I'll be sure to include you. :wink:


  8. Angibaby

    Angibaby Guru Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    No need to feel like a heel Jamie...I mean you did have a LONG trip and I was (alas) but an insignificant portion of it. :cry: :cry: :cry: *sniff*sniff*

    :lol: :lol: :p :lol: :lol: He he he! I KNEW you could NEVER forget ME! :p

    Thanks for reminding me about Garland's heels and purse matching! :lol: I needed a laugh today one of my brats is putting me through HELL today so a smile is sure helpful! You know he never was self concious about carrying my Coach "camera case" (*said VERY quiet* "little purse" :wink: ) until you pointed out it was in fact a purse. THANKS for ruining THAT for me. Spent the rest of the trip carrying my own lipstick! LOL!

    See Jamie like so many other parts of the trip how we met was a little fuzzy cause I dont remember breezing by you. Must be all the alcohol (or my kids make me too nutzo either way same results!). :p

    But I DO think you HAVE to go back and add a little mention on how delightful of a human I am. That my glowing personality shines through with EVERY word I speak but does not overshadow my outstanding beauty and very stunning figure. (feel free to directly quote that :lol: )
  9. Angibaby

    Angibaby Guru Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    So in order to keep the mind off the brat I will add an installment.

    Really at this point not too much has gone wrong the major thing at this point is we realize that our friends room though set at 65 is MUCH cooler than our room set at 50. We really thought it was how HOT Cancun was until we went in their room and realized that our AC must not be working. It was so warm in the room that at night it was a good thing G and I like each other...sleeping naked without covers next to a person you dont like much may get uncomfy :? . Seriously that is how we slept and we still were sweating! Imagine how it felt just walking in there. So we started to complain until they fixed it and that didnt happen until MONDAY!(remember we are on Friday here folks, in May, in Cancun. UM yeah :evil: ) Up until that point everytime we complained we came back to an even HOTTER room because someone had been there to "fix" it and reset the thermostat to 70. FUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKK! :evil: But more on the Monday "fix up" when we get to that day.

    This is not a horrible thing. We are in paradise, having a blast and can cool off in the pool. Just uncomfy and irritating a little (maybe like a mosquito bite irritating at this point. :-| )

    Saturday is another sleep in day for me while the man, my friend and her man all get up early and exercise. OK so is it ME or are these people nuts? This is VACATION! I am consuming my weight in alcohol twice daily and eating two to three LARGE meals including most dinners being 3 to 4 course. Tell me HOW burning 200 calories on the eliptical in the am going to off set that? Esp. if the rest of the day my biggest activity is directing Garland to the pool bar to get me another drink (and make it pronto baby :wink: :lol: )? Ok "siesta!" time is a little bit of activity but really what is that another 100 calories tops? :roll: And like I said my man knows how to make a woman happy...roll me back over when you are done and let me sleep longer! :lol: Tho I am pretty sure I irritate him by sleeping so much when we vaca. :cry: Good thing we love each other :lotsoflove:

    Get up have some breakfast. (This girl has priorities baby) Then beach and pool with Carrie and F for the rest of the day. G and I went :wink: swimming in the ocean :shock: Watched the games. Attempted to get our "newbies" involved in some games. No such luck there. :doh!: Had a "real" lunch at Margarita's since we now know there is a menu :roll:.

    Since I we had dinner one night on this trip (and since I DO REMEMBER that it was in this order) at the Seafood restaurant I will call it this night. (Carrie, Garland or F can feel free to correct me if I am wrong about the day) I really enjoyed it. I know Garland wasnt impressed with the Ceasar salad(so he got one of the soups instead and ate it all) but I liked it and ate most of it. I think he and I both liked our appetizers but maybe one of the others didnt? (damn alcohol! :wink: ) We all enjoyed our entrees but we didnt finish them as we were full. G's grouper was THE BOMB in my opinion (I ALWAY sneak at least one bite of his food!) and I will order that if it is there next time. I had the fish (or shrimp? :? ) stuffed pasta it was good too.

    Maybe in the morning I will remember the story of after dinner. I know we did something or maybe just did a "siesta!" for the night. Not sure really.
  10. Angibaby

    Angibaby Guru Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    ***The following is a (un)paid interlude brought to you by the bitchy chick who just has to rant about the stupid friggin fraggin dress code. These views are not ness. the views of the author of this trip report and she can not be held responsible for the view of the above mentioned bitchy chick***
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