there is one 2 buildings down from the dos playas! You have the Dos Playas, then fat tuesdays, then the store! So walking distance, hell, you could crawl to it!
that's amazing, I'm so jacked.. these next couple of sleeps for me are gonna be tough.. way too excited!
the one that Collegeguy speaks of is a couple of buildings down. the one that I mentioned is about a 8-10 minute walk, or one bus stop if you have $1.30 laying around for the round trip. either way, you've got what you need close by, and at decent prices.
Yeah hard when you don't have them. They are so good to wake up and have a drink of water..Or have something to drink without going down stairs
Witch makes me wonder why a 2 star hotel would not want to add something so simple and relatively inexpensive. You add some options like that and all of a sudden you have gone from a 2.5 star to a 3 or 3.5 star. :?: