For those who have sent (including me) may I suggest that with any excess money this raises we consider giving it to a local charity in Cancun? I know some of the expats in the living in Cancun forum have charities they champion. Of course if people want their money back should there be excess we should look at that too. Just a thought.
Or we could use it to tip the bartenders... since they are locals as well. But let's have Jim decide. just my 2 pesos...
:daveandmo: Thanks Jamie, I was just talking to icecube earlier about next year and how I now have to meet everyone from here....So next trip will be to meet all you guys, but I must admit.. I thought it was a good thing that I went down before you guys with the april group, so that you May guys had all fresh kegs and bottles when you got there haha..
Guys I think that those are all great Ideas, Like ive said this is just awesome of everyone to do for me, so it would be great if we could help others too...
Keith.. I doubt there will be excess...if you read back a bit. we are only accepting what is needed.. and we are waiting to hear what the actual cost will be when it gets booked.
Haha I was only thinking if there was so Ethic on the order of like $50 or $100 left. Don't worry I'm not trying to turn this into telemiracle (saskatchewan reference)! I'm also sleep deprived so I dont know what I say!
Monique, update us, we are all hanging in here to fine out what the scoop is .. inquiring minds need to know ... haha!! and its past my bed time .. lol