If not too late, count us in for $100 USD. Wouldn't be the same without him there... well almost anyway.
Man how did you sneak this one by me, you must have been typing this when I was typing mine... I think I already need an oversized sombrero and lets be honest here, I would be the one missing out on all you guys... Im sure there would have been a moment when you all sat around patty o's and said man if Jim was here that would be great.... Then the guy would say " Your room is ready you can check in now" and im sure that would be the end of thinking about me til at least 3am when the mop closets become a viable options..... Def looking forward to our late night shots and polititcs bruce haha Ken and Joyce, oh man now I have to blush a little bit.. I think the entire crew and then some has been on here.. Thank you Thank you... Like I have said continously, truly something I didnt want to do, didnt plan on being a part of, but as I have found out from a few people... "My say in this matter doesnt count and that I should just shut up and let it happen" I hope that hostility doesnt carry over to this trip young lady HAHAHA...
For the new comers to TTR, bear in mind that if you have trouble understanding what the bartenders are saying, they all learned their English from Jim...late in the evening. ghh,nuu, nuuuu , guuu, more...
Jim, I've been quietly watching this thread. You are one LOVED man!!!! Congratulations and have a blast.
Thanks.. it is unbelievable, I have been at a loss for words for over 24hrs. I think that there is many many many people on this board that these same people would help out and plenty that I would and will help out once im in a better spot, I still insist im luckier to have all these great friends then I am for the trip... if the trip fell through tomorrow, just the way everyone came to this thread was and is enough to lift anyones spirits
Hey Jim- There are very few people who we would do this for... and you my man- as DeNiro quotes in Meet the Parents are "in our circle of trust"... although- we WILL rely on you for buying our drinks on the resort as long as we are there...