Night life/pool fun GP or TTR...and how many nights

Discussion in 'Golden Parnassus Forum' started by Nay, May 22, 2016.

  1. Cheers2US

    Cheers2US Guru Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2014
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    Ohio, USA
    +664 / 2
    I thought the beach at Temptation was rather nice, actually. I mean, it's not the turquoise-waters-powder-white-sands you seen in brochures but I thought the beach was fine. The sand is nice, the waters are fairly clear. There is some seaweed here and there but there's plenty of clear space for swimming and wading.

    I grew up in NYC and beaches there were dirty, crowded with all kinds of garbage strewn on the sand and in the water. The beach at TTR is definitely a welcome sight. And it's so close to the pool and the bars.

    As for the topless bit, we've been to TTR four times and it wasn't until the 4th visit that my top finally came off. You'll be fine if your top stays on, no one judges!

    We haven't been to Golden Parnassus yet, but we will go this August. We had booked before knowing TTR would be renovated. I wish we could go to Temptation one last time... :icon_cry:
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