I'm with Terry on the "new" Nice Shoes room. It's not a "Club," either, by the way. It Could be. It Should be. But it ain't. It's a room with one window to the sports area where you can get drinks, but it's only a single bartender. They put on the shows in there, and it is where they have the start to lingerie night, but that ends at around 10:30 or so and the party moves out to Patyo's, which does feel like a real club. Or, at least it did before the renovation work? Any reports on what they've done yet?
That's funny...because we had the same difficulty finding it. I like your excuses...think I'll use them also :mnm:
nice shoes( disco) ..is right beside the sports lounge.....PatioOS is the club to be at....RIGHT... 19 sleeps aug 13-20...nov.12//feb..10.feb 09..
Yep we remember nice shoes when it was where margaritas is now. It had amphitheater seating and a big door to the outside so not nearly as claustrophobic as it is today.
The stadium seating in the old Nice Shoes was perfect. There was a large dance floor with seating all around...not a bad seat in the house for the shows. There was a larger bar area...cages to climb into and the entrance was open-air. The new bar is smaller and hard to see the shows...but we still party like rock stars on lingerie Night!
We miss the old nice shoes too...it was hot and humid in there but the fun we had was great ..the new ones just not the same ...
We remember when the "nice shoes bar" was inside the embarcadero restaurant and the bartenders were actually allowed to have a good time with the guests.
Nice Shoes should be boarded up and condemned. Its a horrible excuse for any type of club or fun spot. Extremely difficult and awkward to get drinks, it smells, lighting is horrible, seating is horrible, everything about it stinks. Even on lingerie night I'll pass up Nice Shoes and wait til the party moves to Paty O's. - Bob
We did the same thing. Skipped the Casino part and went to Patty O's in our lingerie! Certainly better for our lungs. Air is awful in there.