HUH, Did I drink too much and create a new profile??? :ernaehrung005::typing: We arrive the 19th for our fourth visit, maybe we will see you there to compare notes!!
This August will be our first time at TTR... we are not LS (that I know of...) but im starting to think it would be sad not to be asked. haha. Like going into a gay bar and not getting hit on. How about this.. can I ask all the LS people that are there when we are to approached us? Though if we are drinking to much, you never know...
Right, nothing wrong with being approached. Take it as a compliment. But the absolute BEST is when you fall in that swayer category, are hanging out with a couple at Patty o's you have gotten to know throughout the day. They ask if you are in the lifestyle in a nice flirtatious way. You look at your wife. She looks at you. Your wife grabs the hand of the other lady and sexily leads them back to the jacuzzi room jacuzzi. Magic happens. Some times the sway is in a really fun direction
We aren't "in" the LS....but we have been known to spend some quality fun time with another lady! We would get our feelings hurt if no one showed any interest in us, whether we play or not! It's a great feeling to know that others find you sexy! Would be a huge compliment! So, feel free to approach us! Does that make us "swayers"? We went to Hedo last June and no one really approached us there, we did however manage to have a good time in our hot tub! BTW we got a jacuzzi suite at TTR too! Hopefully fun times ahead! :3some:
People are super nice here.We havent had any really aggressive people bother us and to be honest even the single uk guys are very cool. I think you just have to be flattered if you get attention and "hit on". We just thank them and talk and find out a bit about them.There are alot of interesting people here attractive and not so attractive.I guess its when you dont get hit on is when you should worry!!! We have been hanging out lately with a bunch of single uk guys here for a bachelor party.They are all older maybe 50-60 but super fun and respectfull.
Oh, we will have our eyes on you, even if we leave our bird costumes at home. Here, have another drink. What's one more. Listen to Donald - do away with the labels and just have fun. Those that want to play will find willing playmates.