She may feel a bit of pressure, but nothing to the extend of being forced to do anything she doesn't want to do. As you board the boat the crew will ask for her top, as the line them up along the mast, however, my wife politely decline, along with friends we were with. My wife keep her top on for probably the first 30 minutes or so, and then it was off. The crew will walk the boat providing drinks (non stop) and will usually make a funny comment if a top is still on, but no one is forcing anything. It's all about fun and doing what you're comfortable with. I'm sure some women have kept their tops on the entire time, and that's fine too.
Its going to be fantastic , Jan 29 to Feb 5, Boobs Cruise Feb 2 can't wait to get out of this cold weather.
You can't smoke anywhere indoors or the lobby. You are able to smoke around the pool, and technically in it, but it's normally polite to move to an edge or off away directly where people are not sitting to smoke. Bash is pretty much the same way. I just go to an area closer to balcony to smoke.